Che 9

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Sasuke got down the stairs successfully without getting hit, Minato was there waiting with towels and I guess food? Who knows.

"I'm rea-" Sasuke was cut off my a shoe hitting his head.

"Sasuke!" Naruto said with anger flowing out.

Minato watched in pure amusement, Naruto did always have a short temper, Sasuke grabbed his head in pain.

"Y-you!!" Naruto pointed at Sasuke

"Me?" Sasuke said back, massaging his head softy.

"Stop doing that! It's embarrassing!!" Naruto screeched.


"What did Sasuke do?" Minato asked, both of them looked at him then back at each other, Naruto looked worried and Sasuke just have him a smirk, 'he was not about t-'

"Well sir, i ki-" Sasuke was cut off by Naruto jumped at him, both hitting the floor.

"HE KICKED ME!" Naruto saved himself.

"I kissed him" everything went silent and Naruto looked at Sasuke, did he just admit that to his dad?

"Again? How did it happen this time?" Minato chuckled. Almost wanting to laugh out loud.

"A-again!?" Naruto squeaked, he was still on top of Sasuke.

"Yeah? You guys don't remember?" Minato looked confused at both of them, they both shook their head.

"You guys where little so I doubt you remember, anyways it was another summer day, Naruto was excited to see Sasuke, when they got here Sasuke was at the door , Naruto like always ran to him hugging him like usual, but this time Sasuke lost balance hitting the door, I guess Naruto tripped on Sasuke too making you both kiss by accident"

Naruto was in shocked, all along Sasuke was his first kiss, he was red as a beet now, Sasuke was just smirking,he was indeed glad Naruto was his actual first kiss.

"That's funny, you guys reacted the same way back then, Naruto blushed Redder than red itself and Sasuke smirked like if he just won the biggest prize there is" Minato chuckled.

This just made Sasuke smirk wider, he was still somewhat the same person now at least.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if one of you came out as gay, Fugaku and i had a conversation about it, we wouldn't mind if you both where a thing or anything as long as you two are happy"

"Sir I'm gay for your son, he likes me too but he won't admit it" Sasuke said it like if it was nothing.

"Well Sasu-" Minato was cut off

"SHUT UP YOU TWO BEFORE I BURN THIS HOUSE DOWN WITH YOU TWO IN IT" Naruto angrily yelled, he was embarrassed, did his dad want him to be with Sasuke? I mean he wouldn't mind, he didn't like him after all. He was still mad, how can Sasuke say that so simply to his dad? Naruto looked angry, yet his face held a bright red to it.

Sasuke looked at Naruto after his outburst, wow he looked mad, Sasuke chuckled before slowly walking to him, Naruto could hit him any moment he wanted and he didn't want a concussion just yet, Naruto seemed to be lost in thought, Sasuke looked at Minato, he looked back and then at Naruto, Sasuke just smirked, he leaned in and kissed Naruto on the cheek.

"It's okay baby, don't be mad I'm here"

Minato burst out laughing, Naruto was beyond embarrassed now, Naruto cocked his head to Sasuke who was smirking, Naruto angrily punched Sasuke in the head.

An "oh shit" was heard from Sasuke before he hit the floor, Minato stopped laughing and looked at Naruto, he slowly backed away.

"I'll meet you two in the car!" He said rushing out, he didn't want to get hit by his own son.

Naruto looked at Sasuke, he was muttering cuss words to himself, Naruto reached for him only for his hand to be slapped away. 


"Oh shit Naruto im sorry" Sasuke said grabbing his hand and slowly massaging it.

Naruto stayed silent.

"I hit you all the time, why ain't you never mad at me?" Naruto said softly.

"Lovers can't get mad at each other for little things" Sasuke chuckled.

"You are really pushing your luck" Naruto smiled, Sasuke calling him a lover sent butterflies in his stomach.

"I know you love me, I just have to win you completely over" Sasuke said standing up.

"Now let's go princess" Naruto blushed at the nickname.

'Shut up before i drown you in the pool'

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