Che 19

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Nothing besides kisses.

A few weeks have passed, everything was calm and smoothing, but there was one problem Naruto kept thinking, where they really a couple? Sasuke's never really asked him. Though that was not the only small problem, Minato still didn't know about what had Sasuke done to his poor ball of sunshine, the mark was something Naruto truly did hide, he wasn't embarrassed or anything though.

"Let's go to the beach!" Minato said, happily finally taking the day off.


"No!" Sasuke and Minato turned to Naruto, both confused. Naruto eyed Sasuke, mentally telling trying to not go.

"You stupid!! He'll see the mark!"he mentally tried to tell him.

"Oh yeahh" Sasuke said back mentally, hold up-

"Actually, I don't really feel like going, it's to hot for my skin" Sasuke said to Minato.

Naruto let out a sigh of relief, yet he was going to talk to Sasuke later about the communication thing.

"What did Sasuke do?" Minato said looking at both males reaction, Naruto froze and Sasuke looked nervous.

"What?" Sasuke said, you could slightly hear the nervousness in his voice.

"My ball of sunshine always agrees to go to the beach, unless something happens he doesn't go, since your always hanging around him like if your stuck together with glue, Id figure you did something" Minato looked at both males, both shocked.

They both turned to look at each other, Naruto smirking and Sasuke looked worried.

Oh how the tables have turned

"Remember the "i kissed him" to my dad? Let's get my sweet revenge on!" He said mentally to Sasuke.

"No! No! Wait that's a diff-" Sasuke mentally got cut off.

"Sasuke bite me! "


"He bit you?" Minato said confusingly.


"HE BIT YOU!" Before Sasuke knew it he was across the room, why do things like this happen to him? Is where Naruto got his aggressive side too?

"MY BABY IS TO YUNG TO GET MARRIED!" Minato said hugging Naruto like if it's the last thing exciting on the earth.

"Dad.." Naruto said embarrassed.

"No wait! We aren't getting married yet! It's a future marriage" Sasuke said rubbing his head.

"Future marriage? Hmph! No way your taking my baby away from me!" Minato said, it's like a child not wanting to give his toy car away.

"Dad, I'm bound to leave soon in the future anyways" Naruto mumbled but enough for them to hear.

Sasuke just smirked and Minato looked devastated.

"You see what you've done Sasuke!? When he was little he use to say he would forever stay with me!" Minato dramatically fake cried.

"Dad stop- wait does our family have a special thing like Sasuke's?" Naruto said turning to look at Minato.

Minato stiffed, oh his sunshine was not ready to know.

"U-ugh look at the time! I have to go make food!" Minato said before trying to walk away.

Before he could leave Naruto grabbed him.

"Oh now you have to tell me!" He said angrily.

"Son, There's some things you don't have to know till your older"  Minato said nervously.

"Naruto Uzumaki... Uzumaki" Sasuke started mumbling to himself.


"Oh..ohh, OH"  Sasuke smiled happily at Naruto, he was dazed.

"What!? I'm allowed to know!"  He kept shaking Sasuke but he didn't utter a word, so he turned to Minato.

Minato gave a sigh out.

"Our family tree is know for males who can make offsprings"

He pointed to Naruto's stomach.

"You can make offsprings too"

"Offsprings?" Naruto said in pure confusion.

Minato chuckled.

"Ya'know, little Uchiha's"


i lost inspiration for this story. Should i even continue? I'll debate myself.

Also thank you for the little stars. ⋆

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