Che 34

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"Soooo, what do we have next?"

Sasuke said following the blondie to who knows where.

"P.E but we have to get your clothes so let's go quickly"

Nodding even though Naruto couldn't see it, they went and ended up in a small office. Naruto didn't even nock before he entered.

"Ahh! Naruto what brings your youthfulness here before class!?" Said Man with a green jump suit and a coconut haircut in Sasuke's opinion. Before Naruto can reply he looked at me.

"Ah! You must be Sasuke! You look full of youth!"

"Thank?" Sasuke said questionably.

"Guy-Sensei , we came here to pick up his clothes before the class starts" Naruto smiled slightly.

"Ahh! Yes, it's in that locker, you are also excused for being late! I must go now my youthful students are waiting!" Guy-Sensei said running off the back door excitedly.

"Is he always like that?" Sasuke said looking down at Naruto.

"You'll get use to it, now get your clothes we need to change" Sasuke nodded and picked out his P.E clothes, Taking Sasuke to the Lockers he got one next to him and they started changing, when Sasuke was done and Naruto wasn't, he saw a closed door in the corner.

"Naruto what's in there?" Sasuke said point at the door and making Naruto turn around.

"It's just full of hockey sticks or something"

Sasuke smirked, an absolute fantastic idea came to his head.

"C'mon Let's go!" Naruto said before Sasuke could attempt anything.

Dragging Sasuke to the field he was greeted by the class, the girl fixing themselves before saying "hi" then going off giggling, and the guys starts were full of jealousy.

"My youthful student! Since we have a new student let's have something special!"

Everyone turned to the guy in the green jump suit known as the P.E teacher.

"Whoever is the first one to make the simple run across track will this class off, and as another reward you'll get to take someone with you!" Guy-Sensei said, everyone was excited and now aiming to get to first place.

Everyone lined up, before anything happened Sasuke looked at Naruto with the biggest smirk he could pull off, Naruto looked back he was shocked on how evil he could look without trying.

"Really!? 3..2..1..Go!"

Before anyone could start actually running, Sasuke ran, sprinting a little, he was running faster than his own teacher well to the students knowledge, people still didn't give up, though when they where supposed to turn Sasuke was already half way done, Naruto was in the middle, he wasn't slow or fast he was fine.

When half the class was halfway Sasuke was done, he was the first one and while waiting he was getting good lectures about how good he could use his speed, though Sasuke just ignored the green coconut teacher and waited for Naruto.

4 or so minutes passed and all the class already finished, people panting for air and the rest chugging water form who knows where they exactly got it. Sasuke wasn't a bit tired so everyone looked stupid, besides Naruto he was just fanning himself over the heat.

"Our new student beat the class and the school record, for that he gets the class off for today and he takes whoever he wants with him, now Sasuke who do you choose as your youthful companion!?" Said the coconut head again.

"Naruto" he said simply, looking at Naruto still fanning himself.

"Alright then! Class keep running till class ends! And if you stop you get to run two more times!" Guy-Sensei said, the class growned and began running.

"Thanks god you choose me" Naruto said dramatic, now both males walking back to the lockers.

"Hey Sasuke?" Naruto stopped making Sasuke stop also.

"Hn?" He said looking at the smaller male.

"How do you run so fast?"

"Well i have to run from the police one way or another-"

Before Sasuke could progress anything, he was smacked in the head, no more like forehead because Naruto couldn't necessarily reach.

"You idiot! What kind of trouble did you get while i was gone!?"

"Well now that you ask-"

"I don't want to hear it!" Naruto puffed out his cheeks, clearly pouting and began walking in the locker rooms, Sasuke rubbed his forehead almost for the million time before following the blondie inside.

When he did, the same door got his attention but without Naruto knowing, he went to it and opened it, Naruto was right it had hockey sticks but that's about it, the rest was empty space. A great idea popped in his head.

"Hey Naruto? Come check this out"

Grabbing the blondies attention he began walking to Sasuke, getting in front of him to get a better look at.... hockey sticks.

"What? It's only hockey sti- eep!" Naruto squealed and he was gently pushed in by Sasuke, Sasuke closed the door and looked at Naruto, pecking him on the lips before a evil smirk was formed on his face.

Sasuke was going to sin for the 17901 time

I didn't check spelling so i hope you understand.
Um thank you for the comments and stars?
Good morning/Good night
Say it back! :(

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