Che 21

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Morning came faster than expected, Hinata was the first one to wake up along with Sasuke.

"M-Morning Sasuke!" Hinata whispered.

"Morning, Hina" Sasuke said petting her head again softly. He turned to look at Naruto.

"Oh, princess is still asleep" Sasuke got up and stretched, his bones cracked softly 'maybe it was a bad idea sleeping on the floor' he said to himself.

"W-why d-do you call h-him princes-s?" Hinata Said shyly.

"Because he is my princess, he'll soon be Queen but he doesn't know that" Sasuke said playfully tickling the small female then picking her up.

"Am i-i a p-princess too? Will i f-find my prince like y-you? So handsome and k-kind?"

"You'll find someone greater than me! Just you wait" Sasuke put her in the table.

"Now what does the small princess want to do while the Queen is asleep?"

"L-Let's make b-breakfast!" She said happily, Sasuke looked at her nervously.

"You see, I can't cook" Sasuke chuckled nervously, while Hinata had a small laughing fit.

"Hey, Don't make fun of me!"

"S-Sasuke-kun, i k-know how t-to make c-cookie by m-myself"

"Hn, yeah, yeah-"

"Morning" Said a sleepily blondie who just woke up.

"M-morning, N-Naruto-kun!" Hinata said happily from the table.

"Morning, princess" Sasuke said moving to kiss the blondie before he was stopped by the small female.

"N-Naruto-kun, i-i have decided t-that S-Sasuke is m-my boyfriend n-now!" She stuttered out, grabbing Sasuke's hand with both her small arms, causing Sasuke to smirk and Naruto just looked confused.

"Yeah, she's my princess now" Sasuke said picking up Hinata and putting her in his back.

"What? No-" Naruto was cut off

"Where would my princess like to go eat princess?" Sasuke said walking away from the kitchen leaving a confused Naruto.

"U-um ihop!" She said cheerfully, Sasuke nodded.

"C'mon Naruto , let's go eat"

Chills went down Naruto's body, Sasuke usually never called him by his name, he was already use to "princess", Sasuke's attention was only on Hinata now, that upseted him for some reason but he decided not to show it.

"I'll go shower first" Naruto said before walking away to the bathroom quietly.

When he left Sasuke turned to Hinata.

"What are you planning?"

"W-well t-to m-make N-Naruto-kun jealous! I-i want t-to see h-his reaction o-of jealousy!" She stuttered out quietly.

"I knew behind all that innocence was something evil" Sasuke chuckled, while Hinata giggled.

"S-so yeah? T-Till I l-leave?"

"Sure" Sasuke started ticking Hinata who just giggled happily, that's until Naruto came down with tight jeans and a orange shirt, before Sasuke could do anything, Hinata slightly slapped him with her hands on both his cheeks, making Sasuke snap out his daze.

"C'mon Hinata lets go shower you"  Sasuke said picking up the child and going to the bathroom not paying a single attention to Naruto.

Turns out Hinata could shower herself, but she needed help getting dressed. That's what Sasuke did putting her in a pretty purple dress she wanted and Sasuke his regular 'bad guy' outfit or so what Hinata called it, maybe she was just to smart for her age.

"Let's go princess" He said picking her up again and walked out.

"Let's go to Naruto"

After that they went to go eat, Sasuke only payed attention to Hinata, And well Naruto on the other side felt jealous, buy yet again it was just a little kid, he also got a text from his dad saying that he left early in the morning and won't be back till tomorrow.

Once they head home, Sasuke and Hinata started playing around, only stopping until one of them was out of breath or needed water, of course Naruto was in the room just looking at the sealing, he hated this, he wanted Sasuke's attention, but it was Hinata for fucks sake. His mark glowed yellow with a bit of blue to it. He'll have to deal with it for a while.

That's until 2:10 came along, Naruto got a call telling him that her parents where outside waiting, so he went down only to see Sasuke feeding Hinata cookies.

"Her parents are here, she has to go" Naruto said kinda sadly.

"Awee! I'll see you next time Sasuke and Naruto-kun !" She said getting her stuff and hugging him and Naruto, they opened the door and let her walk out to her parents outside waving.

Once the door closed, Naruto snapped his head to Sasuke, who was just smiling and started waking out the door, that's until he was tackled to the ground.

"Sasuke, I don't want your attention on someone else! I don't care who they are either!"

Naruto said angrily before he grabbed Sasuke's shirt and pulled him into a kiss, Sasuke of course smirked and kissed back eminently.

"He'll have to thank that innocent devil child later"


Should i make Naruto suck
Sasuke's pee pee later on? 👀
> comment?

I didn't check for spelling
So sorry? I guess

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