Che 10

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To the pool they went, in the car Naruto forced Sasuke to put on a shirt because 'he was going to get burned' but in reality he just didn't want no one seeing him like that, just yet

"We're here boys!" Minato said happily,parking.

They all got out, Minato opened the trunk of the car getting the things he packed earlier.

"Here, I'll help" Sasuke said taking a bag, Minato nodded as a thank you, he closed the trunk making sure the car was fully locked.
Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, he looked looking at something, Sasuke followed his eyes, only landing on two males, one with red hair and the other with brown long hair, psh, I'm way better looking than them, is that what type of dudes Naruto likes? Should i dye my hair? Maybe i should ask him later.

"C'mon princess, let's go" Sasuke shacked Naruto with his free hand, Naruto only nodded sticking close to Sasuke, now that was odd, Sasuke touched his hand slightly, getting his attention.

"What's wrong?" He whispered slightly.

Naruto hesitated for a bit, breathing in deeply, and letting it out softly.

"They don't like me, they usually make fun of me, one time they almost stabbed me with a knife, they both are basically my bully's " he whispered back, and Sasuke all along thought Naruto liked them, he was furious now, how could they even hurt Naruto like that? Naruto looked fragile like if touching him he would break, but still it somewhat hurted when he punched someone, still They'll see.

"It's fine, I'm here now, okey?"

Naruto just nodded, still keeping close to Sasuke as they went inside.

"Here" Minato said handing them sunscreen, they both put it on, a lot for Sasuke and a bit for Naruto because he didn't care.

"Well, I'm going to go rest over there, you guys can go swimming!" Minato grabbed the bag Sasuke was caring and left.

Naruto started taking off his shirt, showing His curvy smooth hips, Sasuke froze but them started doing the same, he still had sunscreen so he put more on.

"Naruto I'll go give your dad our shirts, okey?"

"Okay!" He said back, he was back in his hyper mood again. Sasuke left for a few minutes, but unluckily both males a bit far away had a plan seeing Naruto alone, the brown long haired male started walking towards him, but Naruto wasn't paying attention, he bent down to touch the water, to see if it was worth getting in or not. The brown haired male stood behind him a few inches away.

Sasuke was walking back, he slowly watched the brown male sneak next to Naruto, the hell? He kept walking still looking at then, only realizing what the male was about to do, he quietly ran to them. Before the male could push Naruto in, he was punched in the face by Sasuke causing the male to go in the pool with a huge 'splash', this startled Naruto, making him squeak.

"S-Sasuke!?" He said surprised looking down where they male was underwater.

"He was going to push you in"

The red male jumped in pulling the other male out, as soon as he did the brown males nose started bleeding. The red head got up walking to them.

"The hell!? Why did you do that!?" He seamed mad.

"Hand slipped" Naruto giggled behind Sasuke, the red head noticed and smirked.

"Oh, this is your little boyfriend Naruto? How pathetic, you probably fooled him into loving you" he said coldy, Naruto stopped giggling and stayed quiet he was clearly hurt, but Sasuke wasn't having it.

"If i where you I'd watch what you say" Sasuke threatened.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do?"

"You'll end up like your friend over there"

"Psh, you only hit him because he wasn't paying attention" the red male said.

"Are you challenging me?" Sasuke about ready to hit this guys face.

"Go ahead" the red head thew the first punch only to miss, in a swift mood Sasuke punched him in the face hearing a soft 'crack' when he did, blood dripped from the red haired male, another blow was hit in his stomach, then his chest causing the male to lose his breath, Sasuke was going to go for another hit before he was stopped by hands in his waist.

"Sasuke..please stop" Naruto mumbled rubbing his head in his back, Sasuke of course listened, how could he deny him at this point?

The red haired male just scoffed and left with the other brown male, causing Sasuke to smirk in victory.

"See princess, your prince is always here to protect you" Sasuke said turning around to face him, Naruto face heated up, he pushed Sasuke in the pool.


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