Che 8

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"I-i" Naruto stuttered, he was shocked on how easily he could say that.

"me too" he said softly. Embarrassed to the bone.

"Yeah i know" Sasuke said with full confidence, he started walking again eating his chips while smirking, he finally made him say it, this made Naruto turn into a tomato.

"B-bastard!" He said, speed walking so he could catch up to him.

It was silent for a while, before Naruto got a good question to ask.

"Sooo, ever had a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, only because he reminded me of you"

he said back still eating his chips like if it's nothing. Naruto tried hitting Sasuke again, but this time Sasuke dodged it.

"Calm down sugar plum"

Naruto blushed and looked away, he liked the little nickname but he wasn't going to say that out loud.

"What about you? Ever dated anyone?"

"No.. you stole my first kiss today too" he said softly. Sasuke only chuckled.

They got home, when they went inside his dad was there.

"Hey dad" Naruto smiled at him.

"Hello son, and Sasuke"

"Hn" he said simply.

"I was planning on going to the pool, do you guys want to come?"

"Yeah!" Naruto cheered

"I don't have a swimsuit so I'll stay here" Sasuke started walking away , before he could leave, he was pulled by his hoodie chocking him slightly.

"Your going too!" Naruto said angrily.

Sasuke looked at Naruto then at Minato.

"Guess I'm going then"

Minato just chuckled, Sasuke was finally back to himself again, Naruto put him back in order. Maybe Naruto would make him quite his nasty habits too.

"Okay then, go get ready we are leaving soon."

Minato went to go put the popsicles they brought to the fridge while Naruto dragged Sasuke to his room Upstairs, he went to his closet and finally found then, he threw Sasuke black swimming trunks and he got orange ones. Naruto started taking off his clothes, he was only in his boxers when he realized Sasuke was staring.

"W-what?" Naruto stuttered out.

"You have a feminine body, you look a lot like a girl now that i think about it" he said

Naruto was speechless, none has complimented him like that before, it made him blush.

"You have a nice plumped ass-" he was cut off by a pillow hitting him, Naruto was beyond embarrassed now.

"Y-you pervert!"

"I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend and a girlfriend all in one" he winked at Naruto. 


Naruto walked to him, he forgot he was just in his underwear, he was mad! Sasuke called him a girl! He jumped on him and started trying to hit him. Sasuke yet again grabbing both his hands.

"Ya'know Naruto.. That's really dangerous" he said looking down licking his lips.

Everything clicked to Naruto, he was a blushing mess now.

Sasuke pulled Naruto's hands, making him fall close to his face.

"You'll probably hate me later" he said before he kissed him, Sasuke was in complete bliss yet again, it's like if their lips where made for each other, Naruto on the other hand was shocked, but he liked it a lot, he slowly started kissing back, surprising Sasuke, they kept kissing until they ran out of air, but then they went back at it, Sasuke grabbed Naruto smooth thin waist bringing him closer, Naruto bit Sasuke's lips slightly.

"Guys! Come down! I'm leaving without you two if you don't come down in 5 minutes!" They hear Naruto's dad say.

This made Naruto get out of Sasuke's grip, getting his stuff and going to the bathroom, once he reached the bathroom he put both his hand in his face, he was beyond embarrassed, 'best friend aren't supposed to be doing things like this!' But yet again Naruto liked him more than a friend, but he was never going to admit that out loud, he doesn't want his feelings hurt.

Sasuke was smirking to himself, he wanted something with Naruto, but he seemed to not be ready, this was a first step, tomorrow another until Naruto became his boyfriend, what he wanted is what he was going to get, which the target was Naruto. He took off his clothes and put on the swimming trunks, now that he thinks about it, where was his suitcase? He'll think about that later.

Naruto came out shyly out the closet, he had his orange swimming trunks with a white shirt, while Sasuke was just wearing his swimming trunks, Naruto looked at Sasuke, his abs where showing off, it just made him blush yet again.

"You like what you see" Sasuke said smirking.

"S-shut up! And let's go!" Naruto squeaked out,  he was a blushing mess and Sasuke wasn't helping him stop, he started walking out, before he could reach the door, Sasuke blew on his neck, causing Naruto to squeak again and turn around, and when he did Sasuke kiss him on the lips one more time before running downstairs.


Sasuke just chuckled running downstairs, he was going to get hit again, but it was worth it.

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