Che 3

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[And that's how the two little troublemakers spent their summer, they did everything together, until the last day.]

"No!" Naruto said hugging Sasuke for dear life.
Sasuke was doing the same.

"There stuck like glue" Minato sighed.

"Why are you guys doing this again?" Fugaku said a bit annoyed.

"I won't see Sasuke again!" Naruto said.

Sasuke just nodded, hugging Naruto tighter.

"Who said that? Sasuke moving school's to your's honey. He starts a few days after you" Minato sighed yet again.

"Yay!" Naruto said, he tripped witch caused him to land on top of Sasuke.

"Oh! Sorry Sasuke"

"It's fine" he smiled, he has really opened up to him. They both got up

"I'll see you in two days!" Naruto smiled

Sasuke nodded, they had their little handshake and then said goodbye.

[The next day at school: 1st grade? w Naruto]

Naruto looked around nervously, he knew half of them in kinder but nobody wanted to play with him, maybe he should ask?

"Hey, um Ino and Sakura, do you guys wanna play?" He said happily

"Ew no!" Sakura squeaked out.

"No thanks" Ino said in a somewhat sassy time.

This just made Naruto frown, he just wanted to play, so instead he went to the corner and played with his toys by himself.

[ The next say at school]

Naruto was playing again in the corner, none bothered even asking him to play.

"Kids, we have a new student, please welcome him" the teacher said, and there stood Sasuke, he looked around and he saw two girls looking at him with heart eyes.

'Ew' he thought. Before he could go around he was stopped by the two girls he just saw.

"Hi! My name is Sakura, do you wanna play?"

"No! Play with me instead, I'm Ino by the way"

They said, Sasuke just looked at them.


and he walked away, he put his backpack on the hanger and looked around 'where was Naruto?' He questioned, every kid was looking at him, either wanting to play with him or just looking at the new kid, then Sasuke spotted something orange in the corner.

"Naruto?" He said questionably

Naruto hearing his name, he turned around only to meet his only best friend.

"Sasuke!" Naruto said getting up and running to him, Sasuke already knew what was gonna happen, Naruto always did this, so he opened his arms and took a step back with his left leg so he wouldn't fall, Naruto jumped at him, hugging him dearly, he finally had someone to play with at school.

"Sasuke! Let's play,yeah?" Naruto said happily

"Can we play with Naruto too?" Ino and Sakura said, well they didn't want to play with Naruto, more like Sasuke but he declined earlier, so the only choice was Naruto.

"No" Sasuke said simply, taking Naruto and dragging him.

"Sasuke why did you say no?" Naruto asked.

"They didn't want to play with you, they only asked because of me, if anyone asks to play say no okay?" Naruto nodded, he did trust him after all.

"Now let's play" Sasuke said happily

And so they did.

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