Che 15

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Once they got home, Naruto quick took off his small heels, letting out a small sigh of relief, Sasuke notice this.

"Why didn't you tell me they hurted?"

"Oh, they don't, it's just refreshing to take them off" Naruto giggled slightly.

"Now! For the food, what would you like again?"


Naruto sweet stair turned into a deadly one.

"Tomatoes, something with tomatoes" Sasuke said nervously, he didn't want to get hit.

"Okei! Tomatoe soup is it" Naruto smiled brightly, Sasuke just looked at his blondie cook, he was grabbing a pan and putting in thing Sasuke had no idea what it was, Sure the raven could do lots of things, but cooking wasn't one of them. He could burn down a house faster than someone sneezing, it was truly terrifying, that was why he never really ate, he refused to eat from his 'mother'.

A few minutes passed.

"Done!" The blondie said waking up Sasuke from his 'daydream' he was having. He slid a bown of red substance to Sasuke, he already knew what it was.

"Try it!" Naruto giggled smiling brightly.

Sasuke nodded and grabbed the spool, dipping the spoon in the soup and getting some, he shoved it in his mouth before his brain can decline to the new food.

Pure bliss yet again, the soup was beyond good to him, he got more, spoon full by spoon full.

"Hmm" he said delightfully.

Naruto smiled proudly, Sasuke enjoyed his cooking, finally someone besides his dad! He already ate some during the progress.

Before he knew it Sasuke was done.

"That was good, can i have more later?"

"Yeah!" Naruto smiled brightly.

"Ya'know when we get married you can cook anything you want for me" Sasuke winked at Naruto, Naruto just froze from embarrassment.

"D-Don't say thing l-like that!" Naruto said getting a random pan and throwing it at him, the pan missing Sasuke by an inch.

"Okay! Sorry sorry!" Sasuke said putting his hand in the air, he didn't want to get hit, specially since he can't hit back, that's not what lovers do. Even though Naruto didn't see it that way. Yet.

"Um well, it's still a bit early Let's go for a walk in the park?"

"That's seems fine"

"Let me go change!" Naruto said running, one he was done, he came down with black jeans and a loose orange shirt, with white vans

"What's with you and orange? Is mostly everything you own that color?"

"It's my favorite color! It's like you with black or navy blue!"

"Yeah, yeah" Sasuke said, he did have a point.

"Are we walking or?" Sasuke looked at Naruto for an answer.

"Yeah! The park is just next to the liquor store!"

Sasuke nodded already walking our the door, with Naruto falling.

They started walking peacefully, Sasuke slowly snaked his hands to grab Naruto's, but of course Naruto playfully denied and moved his hand away.

"Hey Sasuke! If you catch me I'll give you a reward! But you have to wait a few seconds!"

Sasuke smirked, reward? Sounds too good to be true, but either way he played along.

"Okay, how many seconds?"

"um 10! The park is just down there okay?"


With that Naruto ran away.


Ha, Sasuke just kept walking, no way he was going to run, Naruto was probably just going to give him a high-five, knowing that idiot.

Meanwhile Naruto was running almost reaching the park, he looked back only not to see Sasuke, the hel-

Naruto hit something causing him to fall, thanks god he landed on the grass.

He quickly apologized before getting up

"S-sorry!" He said looking up meeting black eyes again, two scars down his nose, and black hair that shined in the sun, he looked older than him but that didn't matter, overall his face was breathtaking.  He looked down to see a spilled drink.

"Why aren't you a cute one" he said looking at Naruto up and down.

"Eep!" Naruto just blushed.

"What's your name cutie?" He said looking down at him, he careless cared for his soft cheeks. He liked the wisker-like marks.

"N-Naruto, y-yours?"

"Itachi" he smirked down at the small male.

"I-im really sorry for your drink!"

"It's fine, maybe you could make it up to me later?" He winked at Naruto.

Naruto just nodded, he was a blushing mess and that was not a good sign.

"What's your phone number?"

"E-eh ***-***-****" he said nervously, Itachi put it on his phone.

"Thank you cutie, I'll text you later" he leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, ohh so close to the lips, Naruto just stood there shocked a blushing mess he was now. Itachi walked off.

A small smile crept up on his lips, he stood there, it's like if he was love strucked, so sad he left his phone at home, like he always does.

Meanwhile Sasuke finally reached the park, that took longer then expected, i mean he did stop for no reason just so he could make the blondie wait longer, when he did he saw Naruto just standing there, was the idiot daydreaming? Psh, Sasuke made his way to him, snaking his arms around his blondie.

"Hey princess"

Naruto reacted quickly and pushed Sasuke off, this made Sasuke take a few steps back, the hell?

"A-ah! Sasuke Let's go back home! I think this is enough going outside!" Naruto said with tinted red cheeks, he was already walking back, he wanted to talk to the male 'Itachi' was his name.

"But we just got here? Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" Sasuke stopped pulling Naruto with him, he put his hand on his forehead checking to see if he did fever or not, he didn't.

"I don't! Now c'mon let's go!" Naruto said now dragging Sasuke home.

From unknown number:

"Hey, It's me Itachi"

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