Che 20

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"Ya'know little Uchiha's"

Realization hit the blondie, he grabbed his stomach.

"I-i can g-get pregnant!?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't get tell you sooner, but just because you did it does not mean you'll get pregnant, only when both you and your lover" Minato glared at Sasuke who just smirked.

"Are ready, then you can possibly make a child"


"Children of our own" Sasuke mumbled to himself, going back in his own bliss of happiness. 

"Don't you-" Minato was cut off by the phone ringing.

"I'll go get it" Minato said before walking to the kitchen and answering the phone.

Naruto looked at Sasuke, who seemed lost in his own dreamland.  Well that's until Naruto hit him in the head.

"Stop thinking weird!" Naruto said flushed red.


Minato came back, looking nervous again.

"Speaking of kids the neighbor wants Naruto to babysit their daughter again, is that fine with both of you? I'll be attending a dinner with them while you guys babysit?"

"Hinata? Sure she's such an angel!" Naruto said excitedly, while Sasuke looked confused.

"I'll get ready and then I'll go and bring her over" Minato said going back in the kitchen to tell them the news and then went on to change.

"Hinata?" Sasuke said confusing to Naruto.

"She's a pretty girl, she has blue-purple hair and lavender eyes! And she's shy so please be as nice as possible, oh and she might have a small crush on my but she's only 5 so don't do anything stupid, or else we'll have a problem" Naruto smiled while saying all of this, like if it wasn't nothing, Sasuke nodded agreeing with his blond Anyways.

"I'll go get her" Minato said, he was in a suit and left the house, when he came back a little girl was behind him.

"C'mon Hinata! You don't have to be shy" Naruto said opening his arms for a hug.

Once the small female heard Naruto voice, she ran up to him.

"Naruto-kun!" She said happy hugging the way taller male. Sasuke just stood there he wasn't nesesarly good with kids.

"I'll be going now! I don't know when I'll be back so don't wait!" Minato said before leaving. They both nodded.

"You look so cute today, Hinata!" Naruto said kissing her cheek, causing the small female to giggle happily. Jealousy rolled in Sasuke's body, Naruto still hasn't given him that much affection, but he had to calm down it was just a kid anyways.

"Hey" He finally said the little girl looked at him and hugged Naruto shyly.

"W-whos this N-Naruto-kun?" She said softly.

"This is Sasuke, my.."

"Boyfriend, I'm his boyfriend" Sasuke said it immediately, causing Naruto to smile.

"O-oh, well i-if N-Naruto-kun trust y-you then i-i trust y-you too!" She said letting go of Naruto and grabbing Sasuke hand shaking it with her both small hands.

" Aren't you a smart one" Sasuke said smiling while petting her small head. She giggled happily, while Naruto smiled, this was such a nice sight.

"Well Hinata, what do you want to play today?"

"House! Naruto-kun can b-be the mom A-and S-Sasuke could b-be the d-dad!"

"Whyy cant i be the dad?" Naruto pouted.

"B-because you l-look a l-lot like a g-girl!" Hinata giggled while Naruto growned.

"And I'm guessing you'll be your daughter?"

"Y-yeah!" Hinata giggled.

"Isn't that cute" Naruto said happily on how easily they both got in trouble.

And with that they played together for hours, Naruto excused himself to get water, he got an "ok!" From both of them, when he went to get water he came back, only to find Hinata on top of Sasuke sleeping.

He smiled softly, bending down.

"Hey Sasuke? You guys can't sleep on the floor" Naruto shaked him a bit, Sasuke slightly opened his eyes.

"It's okay, princess. Sleep with us" he said pulling Naruto's arm causing him to fall next to Sasuke.

"But Sasuke-"

"It's fine, we'll move in the morning" he said sleepily, he kissed Naruto in the forehead along with Hinata and slowly fell sleep, Naruto following along.


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