Che 17

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"Whatever!" Naruto said angrily grabbing his phone, he stormed out the house. Stupid Sasuke, Naruto decided maybe a walk in the park would be a good idea to calm down.

Once he reached there he saw two persons making out, okay? As Naruto got closer he recognized who it was. His heat stopped.

"I-itachi?" He said softly, but enough for the other male to hear.

Itachi just looked at him and then ignored him, he started making out with the red head female.

"I-Itachi! What a-are you doing!?"

The male growled, he wispered 'hold on babe' to the red head female.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Making out with someone else! I-i thought i-i was y-your only o-one" Naruto almost broke down, oh how much that hurt his heart.

"What? No,those where just words, your too yung anyways and not even that cute"


"Babe? Are you done, hurry I can't wait longer" The red head female said.

Itachi looked at the female then at Naruto.

"Just leave, i have things to do, I don't have time fore babysitting." He said harshly before he went back to the red head.

Naruto stood there, his heart ached, soft tears fell down his tanned skin, without thinking he ran back home. His vision blurry by the second. His dad was in another meeting that day so the only person there was Sasuke. When he finally got to the room, Sasuke was standing in the same place he was when Naruto left, his lifeless eye stirring at nothing, he was truly broken.

"S-Sasuke.. I'm s-sorry" Naruto hiccuped almost chocking on his tears, silence was all Naruto got, he walked up to him and looked up, Sasuke's lifeless eye didn't dare to look back, Naruto had said his final words and that was that.

Naruto hugged the raven, hoping he would hug back, only to be pushed away, but Naruto didn't want to let go so he hugged tigher, hugging the raven and crying on his stomach.

"I-ive m-messed u-up" Naruto said tears flowing down his face.

"Naruto, let go" Sasuke said not a single emotion out his voice.

"I-i was l-lying to m-myself t-that i l-liked him, o-only k-knowing i l-liked y-you instead b-but was s-scared that i-it might r-ruin o-our f-friendship"

Sasuke just stayed quiet, pieces of his heart where getting back together slowly.

"M-maybe i s-should o-of s-said something s-sooner, b-but my h-heart k-keeps telling m-me y-you are g-going to l-leave again a-and never c-come b-back"

He sobbed out, his tears flowing down his face, Sasuke heart soften, the blondie was scared of loving him because he would leave again? This idiot, he smiled slightly, Sasuke slowly snaked his hands around the blondie finally hugging back. Sasuke started walking forward causing Naruto to walk backwards until they both fell on the bed, with Sasuke on top of the blondie male.

"Do you really think after all these years I'll loose you so easily again?"

Sasuke started kissing his chin and neck, then his lips.

"How much of an idiot can you be, princess?"

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