Che 14

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"Hold on Naruto i need to go to the bathroom" Sasuke said holding his nose, Naruto just nodded and that's what Sasuke did.

Meanwhile Naruto looked at himself in the mirror, hmm this outfit doesn't really go with where we are going, Naruto got an idea, he quickly went to hid closet again and pulled out a small orange puffy dress, yes this one is it! He quickly changed clothes, putting on clear small heels along with it. 'My feets are so dam small' he said to himself, once he was done quickly changing he looked kn the mirror again, yes i love this way more! Naruto smiled to himself twirling with his small dress that stopped to this mid thighs.

"Sasuke I changed my mind about the outfit!" He said hoping Sasuke could hear him.

"What do you mean?" He popped out the bathroom, Sasuke stopped his tracks to admire the beautiful being in front of him, oh god Naruto looked so much better, that dress matched his baby blue eyes.

"Oh god that's hot" Sasuke said before blood prickled down his nose.

"Sasuke!? Are you okay!" Naruto rushed to help him, giving him his shirt he had on earlier putting it on his nose gently.

Sasuke just nodded, whipping his blood with the shirt,when he was done he grabbed Naruto by the hips and pulled him closer.

"Hey princess? Why don't we just stay at home instead?" Sasuke said smirking, his hands going down his thighs, he didn't want him to go anymore, he simply looked too delicious to say, he hated for him to get looked at that way when only he could do that.

"No! I want to go" Naruto said pushing Sasuke away.

"Plus you said you would, so now let's go! I want to drive!" Naruto said cheerfully.

"No way" Sasukes said

"I always drive, it's my thing"

"Let's see who gets the keys first" Naruto said rushing out the room downstairs. Sasuke chuckled when Naruto was showering he went to go get them because he knew dam well Naruto was going to do this, so Sasuke slowly went downstairs, he was playing with the keys in his hands the whole time.

"H-how did you get them!?" Naruto said finally seeing Sasuke.

"The real question, princess is how the hell can you run with those?" Sasuke pointed to his small heals

"There not that big" Naruto giggled.

"Wait don't change the conversation! Let me drive! Plus you don't know where the mall is"

"That's fine you can tell me where it is" Sasuke said walking to him and kissing his forehead, then grabbing his arm dragging him out the house, Sasuke locked the door and went to the car, still holding Naruto's hand.

Naruto was a blushing mess, Sasuke was holding his hand and he was dressed like this in public.

Even if Naruto hated it, he told Sasuke where to go, that's all Sasuke needed, they drove off, Sasuke looked at Naruto from the corner of his eye, he was enjoying the few from the window, psh idiot. Sasuke looked down his thighs was showing, thick jucy thighs, Sasuke couldn't resist, with his left he was steering the wheel while the other slowly was set on Naruto's thighs, giving it a small squeeze, Naruto didn't mind at this point, he just slightly smiled, and that's how it all went.

When they got there Sasuke parked smoothly.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you raced illegally" Naruto giggled to himself.

"You'd be surprised" Sasuke chuckled, getting out and quickly getting out to open Naruto's door.

"Ya'know i can open it by myself?" Naruto said getting out the car.

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