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"Just stay there with her T

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"Just stay there with her T.......I don't know order some food......Keep her and Noel away from them damn news people! Nosey ass motherfuckers"

I had been on the phone with Talia until Clay walked into the room.

"Aye letmme call you back babe" i hung up "What's the word foo"

He sat down "ite so this is what it is....Rashad is going down for the murder charge"

I smacked my lips "Maaaaaan"

"But wait wait wait, it's a lot of flaws in this case. I went over to to my honey down at the district attorneys office last night and after a lil...." he chuckled "Persuasion she'll be handing over some files next week for this case"

"What's that mean?" I asked

"So Rashad gonna have to stay down in jail for a lil minute before I can completely build this case for him and get him up outta there. It's gonna take me some time. They're serious about this case because of Rashad's history. They're pushing for 'men like him' to get off the streets, make the city 'a better place' type bullshit"

"Man he won't bothering no damn body" i said

Clay chuckled "Well now we gotta make him sound like model citizen"

"What about Trip?" I asked

Clay sighed "Trip took the bid. He confessed to doing it, but never mentioned anything about Rashad in his confession papers, I read over all that. Only way I can get him out is if Trip acts on his best behavior while he in prison and then he get off that charge in some years"

"How long this shit gone take Clay?" I asked

"6 months at the least-2 years tops" he said shaking his head

I stood up "Nah that ain't fast enough Clay, this shit needs to happen now!"

"Man this court full of white people against a black nigga they gonna draw this case out as long as possible." He said

I rubbed my head. I'm sure all this shit is making me grow grey hairs worst than what Talia does. Me and Clay chopped it up for awhile before I left out.

•••The Next Morning

I sat on the court bench as I waited for Amour to arrive to the court house. I'm sure she was on edge so I just wanted to make sure she was good.

I heard heels click and I looked seeing a finely dressed Talia, i stood up kissing her.

"Hey beautiful, where lil man?"

"Hey handsome" She smiled fixing my tie "With Amour's mom, she kept Noel and Cam"

"Amour came with you?" I asked

She nodded "She outside gathering herself. She had a lil breakdown back at her house but we're back on track and ready for court"

I turn my head as i heard my heels clicking towards me.

"Rashad's mom here?" Talia asked

I nodded "Yeah her and Leah. They're both already sitting in the court room. I told them I'd stay out here and look out for you and Amour"

"I'm here" Amour said lowly

Amour hugged me and then walked into the court room.

"Today gone be a rough day" Talia breathed out

I shook my head "Rough as hell"

"Baby i know we have our own shit going on, but i did some thinking and some deep praying last night and you know what Ty, I believe you."

"You do?" I raised my eyebrow

She smiled "I do. After looking over dates and timelines you had no time to run off and make a baby with that girl"

"I'm glad to hear you finally believe me. But i gotta make that shit solid. I'm still gonna go out and get this DNA test because i don't want a ounce of doubt about it" i told her

She gave a peck on the lips wiping her shiny gloss off my lips "I appreciate that Ty"

We sat and chatted for awhile before walking into the court room. We all stood while the judge came in and after that it all started. Both lawyers going back and forth and argument that had seem to go on for hours.

The judge was ready to close this out.

Rashad stood along side Clay to hear his verdict.

Amour clutched Talia and Mama J's hands silently praying.

"Guilty" The judge said

"No" i heard Mama J whisper

Out the corner of my eye I saw Amour go down.

I believer we all knew what the judge was gonna to say but we were all praying for a miracle.

"Amour!" Rashad yelled trying to get over the court bench to get to a passed out Amour

Police officers rushed over to get Rashad and to aid Amour.

All this was like I was stuck in a crazy ass black movie. I watched as they walked Rashad out of the court room. We locked eyes and i nodded at him. He nodded at me back, we had a understanding.

"Amour are you ok?" Talia said fanning her

She was able to drink some water the cops gave her and she sat up.

"Amour it's alright" Mama J said fanning her as well

Amour held her head down.

"Ma'am do you feel like you need to go to the hospital?" A cop asked her holding her arm

She shook her head "No"

Amour snatched away from the cop "I'm fine"

Mama J walked Amour out of the court room as everybody left from around her.

"This finna be hell" Talia said

I shook my head "I know"


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