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"Man I need Amour to rough some bitches up for me" Clay said laughing

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"Man I need Amour to rough some bitches up for me" Clay said laughing

Lisa ended up doing the DNA test as soon as Amour left her. The people called me and told me to come in so they could take some of my DNA. It had been a couple weeks later but they mailed the results to me and like we all already knew. I was NOT the father of Lisa's baby.

"Man she like the female version of Rashad" I joked "She get shit done"

"What yo ole lady do when you gave her the results?" He asked

I laughed "Man bout made me put another baby in her"

"Awl Man" he busted out laughing

Kavon walked in "I can hear y'all cackling females from down the hall

"Ain't you supposed to be working?" I asked laughed

"Who can work will all that noise" He complained "Plus I'm finished"

I took the paper out his hand reading over it "Look at you lil nigga, you work faster than anybody else"

I gave another paper "Inventory liquor but don't be sipping out the bottle nigga"

He snatched the paper laughing "Nigga I'm not"

He walked out the office, shutting the door.

"He remind me of Ant so much" clay said

I joked "Nah Ant wouldn't have worked so hard"

He laughed "You right"

I sat down at my desk "Let's talk business. What's up with the case?"

"I know it's been a long time and we working on the case but I mean I'm ready to get it start if Rashad is. What I'm hoping for is during some of these court dates, the states attorney will slip up or mix up some things and we can use that against them" he explained

"Shit Rashad gone say yes to anything that'll get him out early" i said

"We can run by the jail tomorrow afternoon talk with him about it and go from there"

"Ite bet"

///Tomorrow Afternoon

"Aye bro, how you doing in here?" I asked Rashad

He sighed "Fine, keeping my girls in mind is keeping me sane"

I nodded "Clay ready to open your case back up"

His eyebrows raised "Is he sure?"

"Yeah he says he's got a good starting point and he thinks he can get you up outta here early"

"Shit sounds great to me. Just don't let Clay open this case and then get my sentences longer" he said

"Nah nigga you know we got you. We open this case back up and get you up outta here so you can marry Amour"

He smiled "That's all I wanna do Ty. I let her plan be dream weeding and then got locked up before I could let her have her dream. All I wanna do is get outta here and have her dream"

"We gone make it happen bruh" I told him

We sat up chatting until his time was up and they took him away. I walked out the jail shaking my head.

I called Clay "We on it nigga, get this case open for my nigga. He gotta get up outta here"

"Ite nigga I'll pull some strings get us into the court house as quick as possible" He said

"Cool" i said hanging up

I drove home, i walked into the house.

"Hey T" Talia said walking up to me kissing me "How was your day?"

I shrugged "Business per the usual" i looked around "Where my lil nigga at?"

"I told you about calling him that!" She chuckled "He's having tummy time in the living room, i just came in here to check on dinner"

I walked in to see Cam on his stomach watching the iPad and playing with his toys.

I changed his bib and scooped him up off the ground "Hey lil nigga"

I kissed his forehead putting a lil box in his small hands  "What mommy done had you doing?"

"He went with me to Amour's restaurant, to my moms house, we also went by Ant's mom house she gave Cam the cutest lil baby blanket with his cute lil name engraved in it, oh Ty it's so cut-"

I cut her off "Talia I wanna marry you"

Her eyebrows raised and she looked shocked "What?"

"I want you as my wife. I wanna put babies in you and move outta this city and grow old together" I said

Her bottom lip picked out "Ty your not just talking are you?"

I shook my head "No Talia I'm serious. You're my everything. And you've been with me through everything and I want you here through whatever is left to come"

She took Cam out my arms as I got down on one knee. She glanced at his bib.

"Baby are you serious?" She said as her bottom lip trembled "Dont fucking play with me Ty cause you know I'll beat your ass!"

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"Baby are you serious?" She said as her bottom lip trembled "Dont fucking play with me Ty cause you know I'll beat your ass!"

I chuckled "I'm serious Talia. Will you marry me?"

She nodded "Yes Ty! Yes!"

She dropped to her knees with me as I slid the ring on her finger she gave thousands of kisses.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too!" She said kissing me again

She glanced down at Cam in her hands chucking "Where did you find this cute ass bib?"

I chuckled wiping her tears with my thumbs "This old lady at the jeweler makes them. I just bought one off her"

She hugged me "I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you"

"Me either T" i said rubbed her back

Another wedding on the way!

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She's So Stuck Up 3 |A Crazy Hood Love Story Sequel|Where stories live. Discover now