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"Amour you know i don't do that whining shit" my mom said chuckling

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"Amour you know i don't do that whining shit" my mom said chuckling

She's hated being at hospitals with me my whole life cause she knows how much i hate them and how much they scare me.

I sighed "I wish my nigga would come back"

"Well your stuck with me sis" She said laughing

I laid back looking up at the ceiling. Where is Rashaaaaaaad.

Me and my mom small talked until Rashad finally came back.

"Sorry it took so long I got stuck in traffic. Here babe, here's some food" he said handing me a bag

"Ooou a Popeyes chicken sandwich" i said holding my stomach "just what i wanted"

"You better eat that slow Amour. You know what the doctors said" my mom said pointing her finger at me

"The doctor came in?" Rashad asked

My mom nodded "Yeah, just introducing herself to Amour. She said she'd be looking at all Amour tests and xrays and she'd get back with y'all"

I was too busy tearing up my food to engage in their conversation. My mom ended up leaving and Rashad had got in bed with me, i was cuddled up on his chest.

"Babe i can't sleep" i whined

He sighed "Just close your eyes and try"

I tossed and turned, clearly not comfortable. This went on until i suppose Rashad got annoyed.

"Baby" he said grabbing me

He pulled me close to him rubbing my back.

"Calm down alright?" He said kissing my forehead "I'm right here, you're okay"

He basically rocked me to sleep because shortly after that my eyes closed.


"Mamas wake up" Rashad said

I squinted my eyes as the sun hurts my eyes. I rubbed them


He handed me a bag "Go brush your teeth and stuff your doctor is gonna come tell us what's up with you"

I swung my feet to the edge of the bed and into my slippers Rashad brought me from home. I took the bag into the bathroom showering and putting on the clothes he brought me from home and sitting on the bed.

"You're awake now I see" Dr.Zana said

I smiled "Good Morning Dr. Zana"

"Well we got your test results back. And it seems your have a bruised rib. It's healing but I believe you passed out from a low blood pressure, which is normal in your condition" she said

Me and Rashad looked at each other.

"And what condition would that be?" I  asked with a raised eyebrow

Dr. Zana smiled "Oh you don't know"

I looked at Rashad and back at the doctor "Ummmmmm Know what?"

She smiled "Your pregnant"

"WHAT?!" Rashad yelled standing up

I covered my mouth clearly taken back "Are you fr?"

Dr.Zana flipped through her notes "Yeah, when we ran your blood"

"But they told me I couldn't have any children" I said as tears well up in my  eyes

"It's a miracle, I suppose" Dr Zana said with a smile "You can always set up an appointment with your primary doctor but ma'am these test say your pregnant"

I jumped into Rashad's arms crying.

"I will leave you two alone" Dr. Zana said stepping out the room

"Thank you God!" Rashad said looking up while holding me

I just couldn't stop crying and to be honest, Rashad was trying not too. We had held onto the fact we couldn't have kids for so long. I mean we didn't talk about it much but it definitely affected us.

"Baby stop crying" Rashad said rubbing my back "This is a happy moment"

I looked up at him smiling "We can complete our family now"

He kissed my forehead "Come on mamas, let's go home"

I went into the bathroom to gather myself as Rashad checked me outta the hospital. I wanted to go home, so Rashad was gonna drop me off before going to pick Noel and some food up.

"I think we shouldn't tell anybody until I go see my real doctor" I said looking at him as we pulled in the driveway

He smacked my lips "Again Amour? This is some happy shit. We did that with Noel"

"I don't wanna get our families hopes up and it's not really true or worst something happens." I said with my head down "I mean i didn't even know I was pregnant and I was drinking and riding ATV's and shit. I'm not even supposed to be pregnant. Who knows Rashad"

He sighed "But A, the hospital confirmed it"

"Please Rashad" i said

He nodded kissing me "Whatever you want, we'll do it"

I was so appreciative of having a man that saw when something really meant a lot to me and he didn't fight me on it.

"Well what you and lil one wanna eat" he said chuckling rubbing my stomach

I rolled my eyes chuckling "I don't know. Whatever you and Noel decide, I'll eat"

He nodded "Ite. I'll be back, lock up the house when you go inside"

I leaned over kissing him "I will. I love you, be safe"

I got out the car shutting the door. He rolled down the window yelling.

"I LOVE YOU TOO! AND IM ALWAYS SAFE!" As he backed outta the driveway

I walked into the house locking it up behind me and walking up to our room. I sat on the edge of the bed staring off into space.

A miracle baby?

What are the odds this is actually happening?

Is it too soon to get my hopes up? To be honest, i didn't wanna get Rashad's hopes up to crush them again.

My biggest fear right now is that they tell us it was a false read and we have to go through the pain of knowing yet again, we can never have another child.

What you think?

Blow me up with comments!

Sooooo I've came through with the key Glock story, i wrote two because i can't decide on which one I like better. Soooo would y'all like to be the judge of which ones better?

I'll post both stories and you guys read them and tell me which story plot you like better. What y'all think of that? LET ME KNOW!


She's So Stuck Up 3 |A Crazy Hood Love Story Sequel|Where stories live. Discover now