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It's been so long since I've had physical contact with Rashad

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It's been so long since I've had physical contact with Rashad. He calls sometimes and I go up there to see him as much as they let me. I miss him so much, some days I just lay around in his clothes just because they smell like him. Noel has become adjusted to Rashad being gone so that's a lot smoother.

"A, you don't hear me talking to you?" Talia said snapping me out my thoughts

I shook my head coming down from the clouds "Oh no sorry, what you say?"

"Pooh are you ok?" She grabbed my hand

I nodded and smiled "Yeah I'm fine just was caught in a day dream. What's up?"

She gave me a small smile before letting my hand go "These are the two color swatches for the restaurant you wanted. Which one do you like better?"

"Umm the second one, i guess"

"You've been giving me 'I guess' answers all day long. Come on we gotta be productive. You gotta be like Keyshia when Gucci came home. Baby girl was paaaaaaid" she said laughing "Had everything taken care of when Gucci got out of jail"

"Everything's gonna be taken care of when Rashad gets out" i said pulling my planner out my purse

I skimmed over it before reading my notes "We're about to get the club back jumping, the restaurant moving. Staying busy is how I'll keep my head on straight in all of this"

She nodded "I'm wit it sis. Let's make this shit happen"

We sat and talked for hours until we went to go pick our children up from my moms and then Talia dropped me and Noel off back at home. My phone rang as we got settled in the house.

"An inmate is calling from downtown correctional facility, press pound if you will accept the chargers" an automated voice said

I pressed pound waiting to hear Rashad's voice.

"Hey baby" he said

His voice made my heart flutter "Hi honey"

I grabbed Noel's hand as she was about to run past me "Daddy's on the phone, say Hi"

I put the phone up to Noel's ear and she said hello and talked Rashad's head off About only things 1 year olds could understand.

She handed it back to me and ran off.

"Well Noel filled me in on her world" he chuckled "Fill me in on yours"

"I'm about to start getting busy like you told me. Hopefully the time will go by faster. Imma keep your club alive and well and get the restaurant started on reconstruction" i said

"Good good good" He said "I can't wait to get out and see all the things you've accomplished"

I smiled "How are you in there?"

I could hear him sigh "It's jail. I mean it's not nice but it could worst. I get a lot of respect in here compared to some other guys so i got it good." He chuckled "Just keep putting money on my books cause i ain't eating that jail food"

I laughed "Don't be in there getting fat off noodles and Cheetos. You supposed to come out of jail looking swole like Gucci"

"Maaaaan that ain't even real Gucci that's a whole clone" he joked

We continued to laugh and joke for a couple minutes before the automated voice came on saying his time was about to be up.

"I love you Amour, kiss Noel for me" He said

I sighed smiling "I will, I love you to-" the phone hung up

I tossed my phone on the couch and got up chasing after Noel as I seen her run past me with no clothes on. I swear this girl is like her daddy, just don't like clothes on.

"Noel!" I yelled running behind her laughing "Girl put some clothes on"

She thought I was playing with her and kept running around. I heard my phone ring again and I walked over to my phone picking it up.


"Hey Amour, what you doin" my moms voice sang through the phone

"Running behind your granddaughter"

"I talk to your father. He's worried about you." She said

I sighed "I know he called me. Wants me to come up there. I'm really fine mom. But even if i wasn't I'm not going up there with him. First of all I'm grown, second of all he knows that wife of his does not like me and i will up in jail right along side Rashad if she try me"

She chuckled "He just wants to help Amour"

"I know mom, but I got this. I'm about to bounce back like never before"

I said with a smile.

The world wasn't ready. I was almost down and out but I'm coming back stronger than ever to make Rashad proud.

Something has gotten into Amour

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