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It had been two month since the restaurant opening and I had been in the club more trying to expand it

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It had been two month since the restaurant opening and I had been in the club more trying to expand it. Amour has been running around the restaurant and keeping up with Talia.

"My Stomach hurt rub my stomach" Amour whined laying across me, since she's been growing with the baby she's turned more into a baby

This is the first day we had actually got to sit at home together. We dropped Noel off at daycare, and after 30 minutes I finally got Amour to stop crying. We just came home and relaxed for once.

I rubbed her stomach "Does it hurt because your hungry?"

I already knew the answer was yes.

"Yes" she shook her head "Me and the baby hungry"

That's been her go to every time she's hungry, that her AND the baby hungry.

"Well what do you and the baby want?" I asked laughing

She thought for a moment "Mmmm pizza. No wings. No burgers and fries. Mmmm all of that"

I laughed "We not getting all that. You need to decide on one thing"

"Technically I'm eating for two so i need two things" she said giggling

I gave her the straightest face i could.

"Well then i guess i just want burger and fries" she said with a smile

I got up walking into the kitchen as she tiptoed behind me. She sat at the counter sliding her laptop towards her as i grabbed the burgers and fries out the freezer.

"Want everything on it?" I asked

She nodded "Yuuuuuuuup!"

Fat ass. I started thawing out the meat and preparing everything.

"So, which room you want to be the new nursery?" She asked resting her chin in the palm of her hand

I shrugged "It don't matter to me. I'd probably say the one on the other side of us. So Noel is on one side and the baby is on the other"

She nodded "You know we have to switch up Noel's room and preferably before I get too damn big to do anything. She's about to be two. We need to ditch the crib"

"Can she just stay a baby?" I said

"Rashad, Noel ain't been a baby in awhile, she has the attitude and the spending habits of a grown woman." She said as we both laughed "Plus, we already gonna have a newborn baby and another child going through terrible twos"

"We gonna need a prayer to get through this" She added laughing

"Well what you wanna do with Noel room. Let's start there first. We can get somebody to come in and do the nursery and we can set up the lil shit. What you got in mind?" I asked

"Well" she started with a big smile

"For some reason I can hear my bank account hollering and i haven't heard your idea yet"

"Shut up" She laughed "I'm thinking princess themed maybe a slide, oooou or a like a princess carriage bed. I don't know but definitely BIG princess themed"

"A slide?!" I said looking at amour chuckling "We can take Noel to the park for a slide"

Amour shoo'd me off "You know you're gonna buy it so don't complain!"

She was right.

"But with the new baby nursery, I'm drawing a blank" she said "I can't decide on anything. Nothing im thinking actually goes together"

"Well baby just gather some ideas and Letmme see" i told her making our burgers

She sighed "Okay, hopefully you'll have better luck than me"

"When's your next doctors appointment?" I asked

She shrugged "I don't know, i wrote it down in my planner. I feel like I just went."

"When we gone find out the gender of this baby?" I asked "Maybe that'll help with nursery ideas"

"At 16 weeks we can find out. I'm only 10 weeks, we got 6 more weeks"

"You gone let me know the gender of the baby this time?" I asked raising my eyebrow

She giggled "I supppppppose. We'll keep a secret from the family and make it a surprise"

I rolled my eyes. Amour loves surprises if you hadn't noticed. I handed Amour her food and she dug in

"When can we pick up my baby?" Amour asked with her bottom lip poked out

I chuckled "babe, we just dropped Noel off two hours ago"

"Okay well I miss her"

"When y'all be together all you do is be at each other's throats all day" i laughed thinking of argument they had this morning about what Noel was gonna wear to daycare

She rolled her eyes "She's my mini me. Of course we be going at it like that"

"You with her during the day, hows she dealing with the baby news?"

"She seems to be taking it fine. She lays her head on my stomach now or always wants to touch my stomach. She points now and says baby" she told me "I think she's gonna take it juuuust fine"

That's what we had been worried about, Noel has been an only child and I know I've spoiled her rotten. And with the new baby coming, she knows we'd have to be more on the new baby, so we just wanted to get her in the idea of being a big sister.

"I'm so excited to be the parent of TWOOOOOOO kids" She said bubbly like

I chuckled. Everything we had wished for is coming true. Our marriage, our family, our home, for once everything was perfect

A filler chapter, I'm sorry it's gonna get interesting VERY SOON.

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