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I was breaking my neck to get to Amour

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I was breaking my neck to get to Amour. I wasn't stopping for any red light, car, or pedestrian. I pulled up the office barely putting the car in park. I went to open the door to it and it was locked.

I looked around fast "Shit!"

I backed up kicking the glass door in.

"RASHAD!" I heard Amour yell

I ran into the lobby hearing the scuffle in the back office. I ran down the long hallway and as I reached the door I heard two gun shots.


And then i heard a thud.

"Amour!" I yelled

No answer. I snatched my gun ready to shoot anybody in the office.

"Get him off me!" I heard Amour whine

I walked around the desk to see her on the ground with Michael on top of her with two gun shots holes going through his back.

I threw his ass off of her grabbing and holding her in my arms.

I could tell she was shaken up, Amour hasn't shot anybody since like Book 1.

"You're okay" i assured her still holding her rubbing her back "I'm right here,  i ain't gone let nobody hurt you"

I took her gun out her hand putting it on the table as I heard police sirens get closer and closer.

"Come on" i said leading her out the office

She kept looking back at the dead body. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"You had to do what you had to do" i said "Don't look back"

I sat her on the lobby couch, she just started down at her shirt that was covered in that niggas blood. About 6 police cars pulled and they ran inside to me.

"Rashad Johnson" a cop i knew from jail said walking up on me "Can't be a good citizen if we paid you could you? So you gonna cut my paperwork and go ahead and confess to this crime or are we gonna have to arrest, interrogate and go to trial over this one?"

"Yeah i killed him" i said "Take me to jail"

The last thing I was gonna let happen was Amour go to jail for murder when she was just protecting herself.

The cop looked surprised "W-W-What?"

"I killed him" i said nonchalantly

"No!" Amour said standing up "I did"

The cop looked confused.

"The both y'all can go to jail for murder. This is a confession" he said taking out his handcuffs

Amour walked up to us "Sir, i killed him in self defense. He was going to kill me"

The officer sighed hand cuffing Amour and telling her her rights.

"Amour what are yo-" i couldn't even get it out before the cop dragged her away to the EMS to check out her injuries

I grabbed one of the officers "Look she hit her head or the trauma and shit she going through got her head messed up she ain't kill that nigga"

He sighed "We'll investigate the crime and take her story down, hopefully they match"

The officer walked away to Amour and I was pacing. They wouldn't let me go over and talk to her. I heard her dads truck pull up and he hopped up quickly pushing police to get to Amour.

When they didn't let him close to her, he came to me.

"What the fuck happened here Rashad?!" He asked as they rolled the body bag out the door

I rubbed my head "She called me frantic about some Michael Nigga, said he was keeping here hostage and was gone kill her. I got here as fast as I could but by the time i got to her...."

I pulled him to the side "She had shot him"

He ran his hand down his face "Amour stresses me out"

He stepped away putting his cellphone to his ear. I jogged to Amour pushing past the cops.

"Aye you good?" I said examining her body

She nodded "Yeah I'm fine"

I sighed, she was such a hard ass. Even after all these years.

"Aye look at me" i said grabbing her face softly "Are you okay?"

She sighed nodding slowly "Yes"

"What they say to you? They say something out they fucking neck?" I asked her eyeing every cop

"They just took my statement, said I had to sit here. In these" she held her arms up showing her handcuffs

I kissed her forehead

"I didn't wanna kill him. I wanted to stop him" she said leaning onto my shoulder

"I know mi amour, I know" i kissed the top of her head "It's my job to kill them"

She chuckled "It's you job to be a father and husband"

"That too" i said chuckling

Her dad walked up to us "Get her out these handcuffs now"

"Sir we-"

"Now!" He ordered

"He's such a hot head" Amour chuckled

"Sir i can't until I have orders from-" the cop was cut off by his cellphone ringing

"That's your order" her dad said

The officer stepped away answering his phone.

"Amour you ain't going to jail. The police captain is about to have you cleared" her dad told her

She nodded as the cop walked back over to us taking the cuffs of Amour.

"Ma'am your free to go. But you'll have to stay close incase we have any questions on your statement"

"You not gonna have any questions" her dad told the officer

I helped Amour off the back of the ambulance and hugged her tightly.

"You hungry?" Her dad asked her

Amour nodded "Yeah but I really just wanna see my kids"

Her dad looked around "Let's go"

I held Amour's hand tightly. I always hated when she got out in situations like this. I just wanted to hold her 24/7 after shit like this.

She smiled "I'm okay Rashad, i can drive my own car"

I chuckled letting go of her hand "Okay, drive between me and your dad"

She nodded "Okay"

I walked her to her car and then I went to mine we drove in a line to our house.

Whew Amour

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