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Ever since Mama A died Amour has been very quiet, only speaking when spoken to

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Ever since Mama A died Amour has been very quiet, only speaking when spoken to. She hasn't even cried yet. She goes to the restaurant, Noel's daycare and the funeral place and that's it. She doesn't even carry her phone anymore, she said she doesn't want to hear any more"I'm sorry for your loss". She's hurting so bad and it's killing me that I can't fix it.

"Are you sure you wanna cook A? I can go out and get something so you don't have to" I asked knowing she already had a lot of stress on her

She nodded "Yeah I'm sure, keeps me busy"

"You need to rest A, you've been on the mo-"

She cut me off "Rashad I'm fine. Now what do you want for dinner? I was thinking steak quesadillas"

I nodded "Sounds good. How did the stuff go with the funeral people?"

"It went good. Me and dad picked out the casket. I took her dress and heels. Apparently she didn't want a wake or a viewing of the body she just wants a open casket funeral. They have a grave plot ready, the flowers are being made, and the church and pastor is reserved" she said "Next is the actual funeral"

I sighed "Are you ready for that?"

"I really don't wanna talk about it Rashad" she breathed out rubbing her stomach

I wasn't gonna push so I left her alone as she cooked quietly. I went upstairs checking on Noel and Ariel. Ariel has been staying with us until she goes out to New York with Amour's dad.

"What y'all lil ones in here doing?" I said walking into Noel's room

"We playing on the slides" Ariel said as she slid down

She's been in such great spirits to have seen as much as she's seen with Mama A. Noel took it hard the first day but now she's back to herself.

"Can daddy get on the slides?" I asked Noel

She nodded her head vigorously as she climbed to the slides "Come daddy!"

I played with them for awhile until I was tired out. Where do kids get all this energy at the end of the day?

"Come on y'all dinner is ready. Last one down gotta eat vegetables!" I said before the girls took off running leaving me behind them

I got their hands washed and them sat them at the table.

"Rashad you lose!" Ariel said giggling at me

I sucked my teeth "Maaaan I'on wanna eat vegetables"

The girls laughed at me. Amour came and sat our plates at the table. She washed up the dishes and then walked upstairs. Once the girls finished eating they went back upstairs and played for awhile. I gave Noel a bath while Amour bathed Ariel in another bathroom.

"Come on mamas you gotta lay down" I said puttin Noel in her bed and covering her with her blankets "I love you Noel" i kissed her forehead

She yawned "night night daddy"

"Goodnight Princess" i said

I turned off the light in her room and cracked her door. I went down the hall and leaned on the guest room door frame watching Amour and Ariel.

"Why did nana die?" I heard Ariel ask

Amour tucked her in bed "She was very sick, so God had to take her to heaven so she could be better"

"Took her to heaven like daddy?"

Amour nodded "Yeah. Nana and your daddy are up there watching over and protecting you"

"Are you sure TT? How do they know where i am?" She asked curiously

"I'm positive.  They're your guardian angel" she said standing up and kissing Ariel's forehead "Get some rest brat. Goodnight"

She turned around noticing me, i walked out with her as she cracked the room door. We went into our room and she began to tie her hair up.

"Amour you've been so quiet and I know how your mother's death is really taking a toll on you and you can't keep these things bottled up" i told her "I'm here for you in every way possible"

She sighed "It's a lot Rashad. A lot to deal with. I don't wanna talk about it. I just want to bury my mother. And deal with it on my own"

"But this is your mother, I know this is very serious to you" i told her

"You wanna talk? Fine." She said putting her hands on her hips "I can't get myself to cry. I wanna cry but I'm angry. I'm angry that God took my brother away from me and then snatched my mother away from me. I'm livid. I've been through so much shit and God continues to take people from me."

"Why my mother? Why?" She questioned

I pulled her into my arms "Baby we can't question God. He does everything for a reason. Mama A was suffering and now she's been given peace."

"But I want my mama here, on Earth, with me" she whined

I just held her in my arms rubbing her back she instantly became less tense.

"Rashad your pushing the baby into my bladder" she said

I instantly let her go "Sorry, go pee"

She grabbed her bath robe and went into the bathroom. Mama A's funeral is very soon and her birthday is coming. I know both those times are gonna be very tough for A.

Short chapter, sorry!

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