Chapter 2

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I said nothing. Just looked back down. I didn't want my identity to get public. I also didn't wanna seem too star struck.

"You at least gonna tell me your name?" he pressed. I looked back up to meet his suit's gaze. 

Sorry Stark - not a chance.

So I flew away, right through the streets. 

I saw Iron Man catch up to me and I gunned the thrusters. I took him down back alleys and dead ends, to no avail. I looked up to see Stark Towers dead ahead and shot up before landing right on his balcony.

"Jesus kid," Tony said, landing on his pad. As he walked inside, his machines took off his suit. 

I needed to make that.

"Cleo," I started.

"Just the helmet off, right?" she confirmed. 

"You know me so well," I replied, following Tony inside. 

Tony was standing behind his bar pouring himself some drink.

"You know not just anybody can replicate my suit," he said.

"Yeah. So?" I retorted. I refused to be all gushy just because he was my idol. Not an insane fan girl.

"Who are you?" he asked, walking down to me. 

"Iron Woman," I said.

"Well no shit, kid," Tony replied. "But, like, what's your name? How'd you build this?"

I rolled my eyes. I had already showed him my face. I'm sure he could find out who I was, even if I didn't tell him.

"Name? Faith Clarke. How'd I build this? Trash," I answered, ignoring my better judgement.

"Trash?" Tony repeated. 

"Did I stutter?" I replied dryly. I small "I like her" smirk crossed his face.

"Do your parents know?" he asked. I looked down.

"Murdered when I was 2. Aunt and Uncle died in crash. No other family," I said. Stark sighed and put a hand on my iron shoulder.

"Family's are rough, kid," he said. Mental slow-clap for his people skills. After a pause Tony continued. "So how old are you?"


"Damn. And that's," he motioned to my suit, "all trash?"

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"Where do you live if you can find the trash to make that?" Stark asked.

"Bottom of an apartment building. And by bottom I mean basement. You'd be amazed at the shit people throw out," I said. 

I saw something cross Tony's face. Sadness? Pride? Pity? An "I have an idea" look?

"Hey kid," he said, "How'd you like to work with me?"

My face fell. Did he really just say that? I mean that would be a dream come true but...

"I can't," I replied. Dammit mouth!

"Oh come on," Tony pressed, finishing his drink. "I'll transport your things, and you'll get your own floor. Lab and equipment included," he persuaded.

"And have all my projects with your name on it? No thank you," I declined. I wasn't gonna let his ego take over my hard work. "Besides, my school would be too far away."

"Yeah, you don't need high school," Tony said. "And I'll promise to keep my name off your works too." 

I heard the reluctance in his voice, but I guess he had a point. This was going to be my field of work anyway, so no need for English and that shit. And if I needed teaching, I had Tony freaking Stark right above me! I pursed my lips.

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