Chapter 24

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High Voltage came on and I whipped my hair up into a bun and pulled up my file for Peter.

Cleo set my general playlist buttons on the top right corner: play/pause, skip/go back, louder/quieter.

I turned it up a little as Noah's coding spread across the screens.

I moved them around and enlarged them as I needed to.

A few songs passed before the coding was complete.

"Cleo run that through. Diagnostics, everything. I need it just as perfect as you," I said, swiping the coding off to a small screen.

"Aww thanks," she said, as the humming in the room picked up a little.

"Where's your orb?" I asked, noticing a lack of hovering spheres.

"I'm just around the mansion. I want to get a feel for this place in case shit goes sideways," Cleo said.

I pinched my eyebrows.

"Girl we gotta talk about your language," I laughed.

"Hey! I got it from you," she replied.

"Dammit," I muttered.

"Point in case!" she laughed.

I smiled as I pulled a 3D block from the hologram. I spun it into the middle of the room to work on the physical design for Peter's headphones.

"JARVIS do you have any physical scans of Peter?" I asked.

"Actually I do," he replied, lighting up a hologram from the floor.

It was a bunch of files regarding our powers/abilities, our physique, everything about our health.

I opened up Peter's and a 3D model projected into the room.

I detached the head and brought over to where my floating holograms hovered, which were just two shapeless blobs for now.

"JARVIS you can make sure Tony doesn't know what I'm working on, right?" I double checked, examining Peter's ears.

Wow that sounded weird.

"Of course," he replied.

"Thank you," I said as You Shook Me All Night Long came on.

"Good song!" Bruce said from his lab.

"Thanks," I laughed.

I brought one blob over to Peter's left ear.

I sculpted out the inside, molding it to the outside of his ear first. I wanted something that would hold no matter what position he was in.

But it had to be comfortable too.

I fit the earbud so it sat in his ear right at a point where he could get good base vibrations, but not blow his ear out either.

As an avid music player, I knew how crucial that was.

As the material I used for my own earbuds (which did need some updating) was aluminum, I decided to use it for his earbuds too.

Once both ears were uniquely formed, I downloaded their designs into the computer.

Cleo saved them to the "Noah" file.

I turned around to check on Bruce, but I realized he was gone.

"Where's Bruce?" I asked aloud to either AI.

"He's asleep, madam," JARVIS said.

"Shit what time is it?" I asked.

"Almost 11:00," Cleo said.

"And no one thought to tell me?" I teased.

"Sorry!" Cleo apologized defensively.

"I'm teasing," I laughed, hoping the cameras would pick up on my smile.

"There's a coffee pot in the corner of the lab," JARVIS said.

"God bless, Tony," I said walking over.

There were jars of coffee grounds next to a sink and a coffee pot. I poured in some water and a few scoops of grounds.

A mini fridge with some cream and sugar sat below it.

I waited patiently for it to finish before making myself a mug.

I brought it over to the table with the holograms and opened up a new coding program. I had created a few phones before, but this one had to be perfect.

The simpler the code the faster the phone would run, but it had to be advanced so there were more capabilities.

I typed away as Shoot to Thrill came over the speakers.

I dragged the volume up so that the lab was almost shaking.

"This place is soundproof, right?" I asked. The humming in the walls peaked and then Cleo spoke up.

"You're good," she said.

"Thanks," I replied, continuing my work.

I worked non-stop, keeping my playlist on repeat as I worked for hours.

I added the usual texting, calling, and facetiming, but I added a bonus: holographic projections. Facetime would show a 3D holographic image of the person, and you could pull up the audio for a call to edit or mute it.

You're welcome Peter.

I added a new app that would allow his location to be linked to Cleo, so I could know where he was at all times.

Solely for emergency purposes though - I'm not creepy.

There was another emergency function so that all he had to do was hit that app and it would send an alert to all of the Avengers with his current location.

I added about 300 GB of storage and also worked on creating the best camera possible with the 5.5 inch by 2.5 inch display.

It was 2150 by 1250 pixels, and could capture a photo in a nanosecond. I knew that Peter loved taking photos, so this was important to me. I wanted him to have the best camera possible.

There was a ding from my computer.

"Noah's all done," Cleo said, as her orb came into the room.

"Hey girl," I said to the orb, giving her a little fist bump.

Her light turned yellow. Happy again. But her low battery light was on.

"Shit I forgot to bring your charger," I said.

"It's ok," Cleo replied, "I have your designs so you can make another one."

"God I love you," I said, sliding into my chair.

I scrolled through some files and pulled up her charging pad design.

In a matter of minutes she was settled on her new, and slightly improved, charging pad.

Her light blinked gently and I knew it was working.

"Ahh," she sighed.

I guess her charging was like me drinking coffee: heaven.

I finished the rest of my now cold coffee and looked at the coding for Peter's phone. I saved it and set it aside.

Then I pulled up Noah's coding and scanned it over one last time. All I had to do was hit enter and the coding started to boot up.

"Hello?" a voice came.

It sounded as young as Cleo's, but I added a slight British accent. And this voice was male.

"Hi, Noah," I said.


AI #2 done and loaded up

Also had to add the british accent as tribute to Tom Holland :)))))

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