Chapter 13

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*warning - smut inference*

I handed her back the papers, and exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Holy. Shit. That really just happened.

We walked out, a copy of the papers in my hand. I put the papers in my bra, and climbed into my suit.

"Faith Stark, huh?" Tony said, as we took off to the tower.

"Guess so," I said, looping around a building. "Maybe one say it'll be Stark-Rogers."

I could feel Tony's glare through our helmets.

We landed on the balcony, and left our suits there as well. We walked in and I saw Steve watching the TV. A news broadcast with the headline: Stark Adopting?

Pepper wasn't kidding about the media.

"Oh hey," Steve said, as Tony sat down next to him. I bounced over to the couch, giving the lovers some space.

It was showing a crappy video of me and Tony walking into the building.

"Come on, they didn't even get my good side!" I joked. Tony smiled.

"Truly your daughter," Steve looked, looking up as if to say "God help me."

The elevator opened and the 3 of us turned around. Pepper and Stark's friend, Rhodey, had just walked out. Tony got up to meet them.

"Are you nuts?" Rhodey asked him, somewhere between happy, pissed off, and shocked.

"Jury's out," Tony shrugged.

"People are begging for a press conference already," Pepper said.

"So when are we giving them one?" I said, swinging over to them.

"What?" Pepper said, startled.

"They want a press conference, right?" I checked.

"Yeah," Pepper replied, drawing out her word.

"So let's give them one," I told her. I knew this was gonna happen at some point - can't postpone it forever.

"Kid, you realize what a press conference is, right?" Rhodey asked.

"Yah," I said, "It's a meeting where a bunch of airheads in suits come up to you with microphones and questions, and you have to answer them without screwing up your rep."

Rhodey opened and closed his mouth, defeated.

"Tony are you sure she's just adopted?" Rhodey asked him.

"Yes?" Tony laughed.

"Press conference in the level 3 meeting room, 4:30 tomorrow," Pepper said, tapping on her phone.

"Do I have to be there?" Bruce asked, coming downstairs.

"Not if you don't want to," Tony said.

"Good," he replied, making himself some tea. It looked like he took a hell of nap, as his hair was all disheveled.

"See you then," Tony said, giving them a two finger mock salute.

"Ok," Rhodey said, "Be safe."

"I'll make sure of it!" Steve called.

"Thanks Cap," Rhodey replied as the doors closed behind him.

"Tony can I talk to you for a second?" Pepper asked, walking over and swiping her hand on a screen by the fridge.

I hadn't even noticed it was there.

In the center the wall, 15 feet to her left, a door rotated open.

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