Chapter 4

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"Hey!" I called, running to try and catch him. "Are you-" 

Damn. The doors closed.

I double tapped my necklace and my Fury I came up from downstairs. It clicked around me as I went outside and flew up to Tony's level. There was a random kid in his building that he should probably know about.

I walked in with my suit on.

"Tony-" I started, but I was slammed into the window. I groaned as my head hit the glass. "What the hell?" I asked aloud.

"Who are you?" a boy asked. The one from the elevator. I retracted my helmet.

"Jesus dude," I said, extending a blade and cutting myself free. "I'm Iron Woman." The stuff I'd just cut off was like a web.

"Oh," the kid said. "I'm Spiderman." I'd heard about him on the news once or twice.

"Cut the crap you two," Tony interjected. "Peter meet Faith. Faith meet Peter."

I stepped out of my suit and held out my hand. The kid shook it hesitantly. 

He was a bit taller than me, with wavy brown hair that stuck out from his head. I smiled to myself as I noticed how his cheeks always looked like he had something in his mouth. I could see a bit of muscles on his arms, but Peter still had a small nerdy complexion about him.

"Iron Woman, huh?" Peter remarked.

"Spiderman, huh?" I returned. I saw his lips twitch in a smile.

"The Avengers are staying for a few nights," Tony said. "I would've told you but..." He waved his hand as if to say "oh well."

"Thanks for the heads up," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I turned to walk back to my suit. The sun had gone down about an hour ago (it was about 10:30.)

"Black Widow, Peter, and Captain America are staying in your suite," Tony called.

I whipped around.

"Excuse me?!" I was not one for company.

"Just find them a place," he instructed. I groaned and climbed back into my suit.

"Hey, Faith!" Peter called. "Wait up!"

I didn't.

I just zipped right back down to my lab. I wasn't gonna sleep tonight so someone could take my bed. But it wasn't two seconds later when Peter stepped out of my elevator.

"What?" I asked, as I put my welders things back on.

"I just didn't know if you needed anything," he offered. 

It did annoy me that he offered me something in my place, but there was a certain timidness about him that I couldn't quite place. I liked it.

"Can you pass me that sheet of nitinol?" I asked, pointing to the one right by his feet. Peter nodded and it handed it over, right as Cleo came over.

"Who's this?" she asked, examining Peter.

"Peter, a.k.a. Spiderman," I said. Cleo paused.

"He's cute," she blurted. I saw Peter flush down to his neck.

"Thanks," he muttered.

"That's Cleo," I cleared up. Peter nodded.

Just as I welded on a rib plate, Tony called. Cleo picked it up on the side monitor.

"You two kids get back up here," he said. "Come meet the Avengers."


whose ready to the meet the Avengers???!

also get ready for a bit of romance ;) but nothing crazy yet. just thank cleo for having no filter... ever

sorry for the shorter chapter but im sure you guys didn't mind after 2/3

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