Chapter 38

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"So how old are you?" Bucky asked me, as I held my hand close to the pan.

It was hot enough that I could start cooking.

"15," I said, pouring the batter into the pan.

I had a very specific and timed method for making perfect crepes.

"You seem older," he said.

"Well losing your entire family before you turn 12 can do that to a person," I said rather blankly as I watched the crepes edges cook.

"Oh," Bucky said, drinking his coffee.

I waited until the edges all the way around were hard, and the insides didn't move too much before flipping off the heat.

I grabbed a spatula and flipped the crepe.

Once one side was cooked, the other could cook off the remaining heat. The showing side was buttery yellow with a bit of brown.

"That smells amazing," Tony said, "When'd you learned to cook?"

"It was my intro to chemistry. I went from using baking soda in cakes to using it for mini smoke bombs," I said, smirking lightly.

"How'd you make it into a smoke bomb?" T'Challa asked.

I sucked in air through my teeth.

"That's a little chef's secret," I said. T'Challa smiled.

We made light chit chat while my pile of crepes got higher and higher.

The kitchen now smelled like sweet, buttery batter, and I guess it woke Steve up because he appeared in the kitchen entrance.

"Morning sleepy head," Tony said, walking over and giving the half-asleep super soldier a light kiss on the forehead.

Steve just hummed in response, before looking up.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed, jumping as he saw our current company.

But then his eyes landed on Bucky and I saw something crack.

"Bucky?" he said, his voice nearly a whisper.

"Hey punk," Bucky replied, giving him a sideways smile.

Steve's face perked up and he ran to meet Bucky in a hug.

"I guess our job here is done?" Okoye said to T'Challa.

"Wait you're leaving him here?" Tony said, motioning to Bucky who was still buried in Steve's embrace.

"Yes," Okoye said, not leaving room for argument.

Tony groaned.

"You've got to be kidding me," he said, dragging his hand down his face as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry but Bucky requested that we leave him here to let him figure things out," T'Challa said, "But please call us if you need anything. And I'm sure Shuri would love to meet you."

He said the last part to me, before pulling a card out of his pocket.

There were words written on the card in a language I didn't understand, but numbers underneath it - a phone number.

I took it from him and nodded in thanks.

"I can't wait," I said, as the king and Okoye walked out.

"Thank you!" Bucky called after them, finally separated from Steve.

Tony was eyeing him like crazy.

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