Chapter 39

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"Holy crap," he said, "What the hell is this stuff?"

"Technology," I said, giving a little mocking jazz hands.

He lowered his gaze and gave me a little smirk.

"So what do you do with it?" Bucky asked, walking over and running his hand along the table top.

He hit a button and hologram popped up.

"Shit," Bucky muttered, jumping back in surprise.

I laughed and swiped it away.

"Careful," I said. I walked past him, and felt his metal arm brush against mine.

He flinched a little.

"Does it hurt when someone touches it?" I asked, subtly gesturing to the arm.

I know it's a little rude, but I wanted to know.

If it hurt him, I wanted to make him one that didn't.

Bucky shook his head.

"I just don't like the memories that come with it. I've done some, bad things, with this arm. I don't wanna hurt anyone with it," Bucky said.

"Hey," I said, touching his arm and holding there, "You're not gonna hurt anyone."

Bucky looked down at the floor.

"You don't know that," he said, his voice lower now.

I know Peter would kill me for being so close and gentle to him, but Bucky clearly needed someone right now.

I tilted Bucky's head up to look at his stormy blue eyes.

"Yes, Buck. I do. I've only known you for 5 hours but I know you'd never hurt me. Not anyone you cared about," I said.

We were so close, I could feel his breath against my nose. He was about half a head taller than me.

He sighed.

"You're right Faith. I'd never hurt you," he said.

A smile twitched on my lips, and I took my hands off him.

"So what'd you drag me up here for?" Bucky asked, as I swung around the table and opened Natasha's "Webbing" file.

"Well I made Natasha new Widow Bites..." I said.

"Ugh those things hurt like a bitch," Bucky said, throwing his head back and groaning.

I laughed, as I walked across the lab to grab the tech. I showed him the new models as I plugged them in.

"Cleo run the schematics," I said, and a loading bar came up in front of their coding.

"On it," she said.

"I'll never get used to those things," Bucky sighed, leaning back against the table.

He seemed a lot more comfortable now. It suited him.

I chuckled a little and we waited a little while in silence before the holograms dinged.

"Done," Cleo said, "No errors found. You're good to go."

"Thanks sis," I said, detaching the Widow Bites.

"Ready?" I asked Bucky, carrying the Bites down two floors to the gym.

Bucky was right next to me the whole way.

We walked in to see Nat mauling a punching bag, but she stopped when the doors closed.

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