Chapter 32

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"Hey," Peter replied. I could see that he was in his bedroom, as the dresser behind him was slightly open with clothes hanging out.

"Nice Death Star," I said, noticing the massive Lego orb on the dresser.

Peter blushed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Thanks," I he replied.

I laughed. God he was so cute.

"So what's up?" I asked, kinda curious as to why he called.

It was 6:00 here so it was 9:00 in New York.

"Nothin. I just wanted to talk to you," he said.

"How's New York?" I asked, smiling.

"Hot," Peter laughed.

"City heat's the worst," I said.

It's 100% true. The smoke and thousands of people didn't exactly make the temperature any lower.

When I had summer missions in my suit I was ever so grateful for the tiny cooling system I had installed.

"Facts," Peter agreed.

"Peter who are you talking to?" I heard a female voice call.

His Aunt May?

"A friend, May," he called back.

Yup. Aunt May.

"Is it Tony Stark's daughter?" I heard her ask.

I covered my mouth to stifle my laugh as he blushed.

Tony Stark's daughter... I could live with that.

"Aunt May!" Peter said.

"I'm coming in," Aunt May warned.

I could tell she was on the other side. Peter looked up in a "Jesus help me" face as Aunt May opened the door. She looked really young, but I could see the age lines showing under her eyes.

"Hi!" I said, waving to her.

"Faith, right?" she said, her smile beaming.

Peter's high graphics worked really well, because everything on his end was in high definition.

"Yeah," I said, still smiling.

"Peter talks a lot about you," Aunt May said, ruffling Peter's hair.

I laughed as he groaned and put his head in his hands.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Aunt May said.

"Same to you!" I said.

My voice was unusually high for talking to an adult. I usually talked in my normal voice around adults, probably because I was used to feeling like one.

When you're your only family member, you kinda feel older and more responsible.

But now I was the daughter of a billionaire so I guess the majority of my responsibilities was gone.

I also wanted to make a good impression on Aunt May.

"Well I'll let you guys get back to talking," she said, winking at Peter.

I blushed as he groaned again.

"Bye Faith!" she said before closing Peter's door.

"Sorry about her," Peter apologized.

I giggled. Giggled? Bleh.

"It's fine," I replied, a smile still on my face, "So new topic?"

"Please," Peter said.

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