Chapter 19

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It was a large white room, and I could hear the hum of machines in the walls. Right across from the door was a window. I squinted to see inside, but all I saw were shadows. My HUD automatically worked to identify them.

Tony was in the front row, next to Fury and Natasha. Steve was in the row behind them between Banner and Clint. Peter was in the far back corner.

I gave a thumbs up and I saw Fury hit a button.

The humming in the walls peaked and I watched a holograph form around me.

The white walls turned to brick apartments, and cars lined the narrow streets. There were a few passerby, who didn't give me a second glance. It all looked so real, so... familiar?

There was something about this place that resonated within me.

My suit beeped and I knew there was incoming. I whipped around just in time to dodge a missile.

All holographic, as Fury said.

It exploded on the pavement behind me, setting off a few car alarms. People ran out of the way.

From the ground I saw things shimmer and then robots materialized from the ground. There were two lines in the streets on opposite sides of me. I fired my repulsors at two of them and the rest started to fire handguns at me.

A few missed and the rest clinked off my armor.

I zoomed down and fired at a few more. They flew back, shattered into 100 shimmering parts.

One came from behind me and had me in a choke hold. I quietly thanked nitinol for not letting me choke to death.

My adrenaline finally kicked in as the robot started to thrash around.

I grabbed solid footing and threw the holograph over my shoulder. Then I extended my hand blade and drove it through the robot's neck, tearing its head off.

Two more.

One came at me from the front.

What an idiot.

I shot it easily before turning around to the last one. I saw the robot and my breath hitched.

It had taken a hostage.

A woman, maybe mid-thirties. She had my lips, and the same grey streaks as my mom did when I saw her last... Aunt Steph?


I choked back my hot tears.

"Let her go," I told the robot, hoping the holograph would register my voice.

I heard the humming in the walls pick up again, and I knew more enemies had arrived. But I couldn't move.

My watery eyes were locked with Aunt Steph's terrified ones.

"Aunt Stephanie," I said, slowly advancing.

The robot jerked up and I saw a blade extend from its fist.

"Help," Aunt Steph choked out.

She was running out of air. But I couldn't take out the robot without taking her out too.

"Cleo, help," I said, as a robot rushed at me from the side.

I ducked and ran under it. I was a step away from the robot holding Aunt Steph, when I saw a shift.

There was a blade coming from her sternum and I froze as blood stained her shirt red.

Not again.

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