Chapter 40

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I didn't have anything to pack, so I just helped carry the bags out to the Quinjet.

"Thanks for the new arrows. And the bow," Clint said, as he took his place in the cockpit.

"Anytime," I said, walking over to where the computers were.

I cranked up the air conditioning, because the black interior totally dit not soak up the Malibu heat like it needed it to live.

It was July 20, and steaming hot outside.

I scrolled through my projects, and realized I was at a stand still until I could get whatever I needed for Steve's robo-dog. I mean I could work on Bruce's new, Hulk-proof clothes, but I wouldn't be able to actually bring it to life until we got back to New York.

I walked over to the bags and ruffled through them to find my journal.

I really hoped someone packed them.

I sighed with relief when my hand ran over its smooth cover. I pulled it out and sat on the bench.

"Anyone got a pencil?" I asked aloud.

"Yeah," Steve said, getting one from his bag.

Bucky was sitting on the bench across from me, as I gratefully took the pencil from Steve.

I didn't say anything as I walked back over to the computer area.

I needed Hulk's and Bruce's measurements in order to get this right.

It just needed to be really elastic, and durable. Plus, I didn't want these to get shot through and have Hulk (or Banner) get injured.

"JARVIS can we get some music going in here?" Tony asked, sliding into the chair behind me.

"Absolutely, sir," JARVIS replied, and ACDC came on softly over the speakers.

I hummed along to Girls Got Rhythm as I pulled up Bruce's files.

I made sure Tony wasn't looking, and thankfully he was enveloped in whatever email he was writing. It looked like an email anyways.

I quickly made a thick box in a corner of one page, and another box in the corner of the opposite one.

I labeled them "Hulk" and "Banner."

Straightforward, but I wasn't worried about anyone finding and going through my journal.

I'd have Cleo scan my drawings into the computer under a more discreet file later.

Once I had the measurements down I moved back to the main compartment of the Quinjet.

We were completely alone in the open sky, and the sun had only come up a little while ago so there were bits of orange scattered along the horizon.

The time said 7:24 on the dash between Natasha and Clint.

"How long do you think it'll be?" I asked, sitting back across from Bucky.

"Maybe five, six hours. We should be back soon. Why?" Clint said, turning around and waggling an eyebrow at me, "Got a date?"

I saw the smug little grin on his face.

"Yeah. I think Peter and I were going to out at around 6:00," I said cooly.

"Who's Peter?" Bucky asked, looking up.

"Her boyfriend," Clint sing-songed.

"Oh," Bucky said, looking anywhere but at me.

Was that hurt on his face? I don't know if I was hallucinating but I swear something was wrong with him now. I passed it off as nothing and focused back on the conversation.

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