Chapter 37

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I shook it for a second longer than I should've, as I was staring right up at his eyes.

I beat myself mentally for thinking like that when I was happy with Peter. Where had I heard his name before?

"Everyone's asleep for right now, but Steve should be up soon," I said. T'Challa nodded.

"Of course," he said, as I started off towards the mansion.

I opened the door for them.

Okoye immediately looked around, as if guns were going to pop out of the walls any second.

"Please make yourself at home. I'm gonna go clean myself up," I said, walking off to my room.

I quickly put on some leggings and a tight long sleeve shirt. All black.

I swapped my slippers for my combat boots, and I applied some mascara and concealer. I fixed my slightly disheveled hair and then walked back out.

"You seem young," Okoye said.

"And?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

I felt like I could be sassy, as long as I didn't disrespect her or T'Challa.

She grinned and looked at T'Challa.

She spoke in a language I didn't know, which was a bit shocking as I knew English, French, and Italian. (I took all three in middle school and high school.)

"Ndiyamthanda," was what Okoye said. Or at least what it sounded like.

"Ndiyazi," was T'Challa's response.

It was only 2:00 in the morning, so I needed some coffee. I figured I might as well offer some.

"Want some coffee?" I asked, trailing off to the kitchen.

"Yes please," Bucky said, sitting at the breakfast bar. He kept looking around the place, almost in awe.

"I wouldn't mind a little," T'Challa said.

Okoye remained silent, as she followed her king into the kitchen.

"Okoye?" I pressed. She needed to relax a little.

"No thank you," she said, her accent cutting her words short.

I nodded as I hit the on button for the machine.

"So who are you?" Bucky asked.

"Faith. Stark's recently adopted daughter. Teenager, genius, Iron Woman," I said cooly, leaning my elbows against the countertop.

"Iron, Woman?" T'Challa asked, leaning forward and pursing his face in curiosity.

"Cleo, care for a little demo?" I asked.

"Why not?" the AI responded over the speakers.

"That's my AI, Cleo," I explained, as I heard my suit rush from downstairs, "And this-" I started, as my suit locked in around me.

I got that same general rush I always got when I was in my suit, and sighed in comfort as the HUD clicked on.

"This is Iron Woman," I said.

Bucky's jaw was almost on the floor.

"What does it do?" Okoye asked.

"Takes on bad guys, flies around. Fun stuff," I said, grinning a little as I sent my suit back to the lab.

I needed to put my necklace on if I was going to keep doing these demonstrations. Maybe I'd make a new suit that didn't need one.

Yup, definitely doing that.

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