Chapter 16

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There were times when I would see a bright light, maybe a few faces. But then it would fade to a hollow blackness.

Was I dead?

Hell can't be this cold.

But then I saw the light again. And I felt a strange warmth.

There was a person, no wait. Two of them. Their beings cleared up at the light behind them dimmed to an acceptable amount. They looked familiar. Oh shit.

"Mom?" I said, looking at the woman. "Dad?"

They smiled and I saw a tear fall down my dad's face. My mom opened her arms and I started to run. At least I tried to run, but I couldn't move. 

"I'm sorry!" I said, feeling the tears. I missed them so much.

I hadn't felt like this in 13 years, and yet it seemed like it happened yesterday. My floodgates opened.

"I'm sorry," I said into my hands. I looked up as I felt the warmth fade. My tears dried as I watched my parents disappear back from wherever they came from.

I was alone again.

The darkness was colder now, and I felt alone. I waited for what seemed like an eternity before there was another light.



Something about my dad had looked really familiar, but I couldn't place it. I just wanted to be with them again!

I tried to see through to them, but I noticed the light was different. It was brighter. Whiter.

I realized that I was awake now.



cmon im not that mean. not killing off the main character!

but what about her dad..?

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