Chapter 23

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Most of the rooms were windows, but everything was pretty much the same design.

Dark, hardwood floors, dark leather couches, and plenty of metal accents. There was a large kitchen by the windows, and a large living room across from it that was lowered into the floor. There was a huge ass couch with some chairs, a glass table, and a huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall.

There was a real burning fireplace below it, and circling the whole wall was a staircase, lined with wine bottles.

There was also an elevator in the wall beside it. Off the balcony there was a path leading down to the pool area.

A tennis court sat next to where we had landed in the Quinjet. "Cleo?" I asked, making sure she had already connected herself to the system.

"I'm here," she replied, flickering the lights in response.

"I'm gonna go shower," Steve said, walking off down a hallway.

"Have fun," Tony said, saluting him off.

"He can't without you," Clint teased, and I smiled.

"You're right..." Tony said, "I should go join him then."

Oh lord.

Tony walked off after Steve winking at us before he disappeared.

I looked around and realized I was empty handed - I didn't have anything with me so there was nothing to unpack.

"Where are the rooms?" I asked Clint.

"Down that hallway," he said, pointing to where Steve and Tony had gone off too.

"I'll be in the lab," Bruce said, walking up the stairs.

I'd go check that out later.

First I hoped to God that Tony had extra clothes as I opened an empty room's door.

I threw open a drawer, and it was as if the Lord had answered my prayers.

Leggings, shorts, sweatpants, t-shirts, sweatshirts, long-sleeve shirts, and underclothes were all in drawers.

There were more in the closet and an assortment of shoes ranging from the newest Jordans to bunny slippers.

I got out of my S.H.I.E.L.D. clothes and changed into comfy sweats and a tank top as there was a knock on my door.

"Faith?" Peter said, peeking his head in with a hand covering his eyes.

He was too cute.

I ran over and opened the door the rest of the way, letting him literally fall into a kiss.

He took his hand away and I saw the smile in his eyes.

I closed the door behind us.

"Yeah?" I asked, pulling away. The room was similar to the one back at Stark Tower, but without the wall of windows.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing much. This place is epic," I commented.

"Hell yeah," he said, and I laughed.

"But how are you?" I returned.

"I've been better," he said, looking to the ground.

I knew instantly what he was thinking about.

"Hey," I said, cupping his cheek, "We're too young anyway."

That was my best excuse. It hurt me too, knowing what we could've had. But I'd made a mental list as to excuse the pain: we're too young, too risky, Tony would've killed me, no money, nowhere to live. Not the right time for it at all, so it's just better this way.


"I know it just... hurts," Peter said, looking at me.

"I know it does," I sighed, "It hurts a lot. But we can't let it stop us from living. Right?"

He shook his head and blinked.

"Yeah. You're right," Peter said, shaking all traces of sadness from his face.

I planted a light kiss on his lips as I went to leave.

"Maybe one day?" he said, turning around after me.

I smiled at the thought. A superfamily.

"Maybe one day," I replied, biting my lip as the door closed behind me.

I pursed my lips to hide my smile as I ran to the stairs leading to the labs. 

Nat and Clint were arguing in the kitchen as I slid to a halt. They stopped.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," Natasha said, raising an eyebrow at my flushed cheeks and smothered smiling.

"Nothing," I replied coolly.

Clint raised an eyebrow at me and I raised my own back at him.

I winked as a tease before leaping up the stairs behind the TV.

I cleared the steps in twos and threes before entering a huge hallway.

There were no walls, just glass protecting me from the lab's true interior.

The rooms were massive with a ceiling that was just as tall, if not taller, than the length.

There was a second, smaller, lab overlooking the larger one.

Bruce was in there with his back turned to me. The two major labs were connected by a bridge which also contained the main entrance.

There was keypad, and a code.

"Shit," I muttered, when I realized I didn't know the passcode.

"Mrs. Stark, you can make your own passcode," JARVIS said. I blushed at the name.

"I'll make it your own profile so the lab is set to your needs whenever it's entered."

"Thanks JARVIS," I said, typing in my own passcode: the day I was adopted. 06-29-18.

It was now the second week in June so I'd been a daughter for two weeks.

Holy crap, two weeks!

The door slid open and I went to the left where the holograms and computers were.

"Hey!" Bruce said, waving down at me.

"Hey!" I said, waving back up.

"JARVIS set you up?" he asked.

"Yes I did," JARVIS replied from the speakers.

"Alrighty," he said, "I'm almost done with the tech research so I'll just send it over when I'm done."

"Perfect, thanks!" I replied.

"I'll notify you when it delivers," Cleo said.

"Thanks," I said to her, "Can we get some music going?"

"ACDC?" she recommended.

"You know it," I replied as Cleo turned on my playlist. 


Sorry the inaccuracies (ik theyre there im just lazy and dont feel like re-writing this thing for the third time)


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