Chapter 15

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Being halfway around the world, I knew I wouldn't be able to charge easily.

Thor came swinging in, Mjolnir punching through everything in its path. I ducked as the hammer swung back around to him, defying every law of physics there was, and Thor shot a bolt of lighting through 8 of them.

I popped out and threw a small grenade into the densest part, careful to avoid the police officers.

More of the police were falling, and I saw two of them being cornered. I guess they had run out of ammo.

I sprinted over, sliding over the car they were pressed against, and slicing off the robots' arms. I turned to them as they collapsed with a screech.

"Get outta here," I instructed the officer.

They nodded, half scared to death, and ran off.

"Got it!" Cleo exclaimed as I heard the second small ship groan.

There was a high pitched whine that almost had me cover my ears, but I just turned up my music.

Have a Drink on Me was playing as I took off, trying to move police officers out of the way of the sinking aircraft.

It was closer to the ground already, so I had barely 10 seconds.

It went up in a fiery explosion that had heat warnings temporarily blare across my HUD.

A quick scan said most of the robots were dead.

I glanced up to see a small pod shoot towards the ground. It landed with a thud on the green hill slope.

Clint had moved from the Quinjet and was sitting in a tree, sending arrows down at will.

"You got it here?" I asked everyone, before going over to the pod.

I heard a "yes" from Cap, Peter, and Nat. Hulk Was smashing around on the inside of the mothership, explosions happening left and right. Occasionally I would have to dodge a falling creature that Hulk had thrown out.

I shut off Shoot to Thrill as I landed 100 feet away at the bottom of the hill.

Tony had come over with me.

The pod door opened and we walked closer.

My hands were itching to fire, but I didn't. I wouldn't until I knew I had too.

A woman stepped out, an empress fan around her collar. Her suit was a cross between Black Widow's and the robots'. From her arms, large blades extended like hands. They were just like her minions' but larger and embedded with glowing purple runes. Her face was just like that of her people, but without the mandibles, but she had eyes. She could have easily been a hybrid, a cyborg of some kind.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I shouted, the distance still 50 feet between us.

I heard her laugh to herself.

"I am Ariam. What do I want?" she said, examining her blades. "Earth."

"Well we've got news for you, buddy," Iron Man started, "We've got enough douches in control here. No room for you."

The woman's face fell, and her eyes narrowed.

"Then we'll make room," she said, before rushing at us.

Tony and I sprung into action. I fired a repulsor blast, but she blocked it with one of her blades. I did see a red circle fade from the blade, so I know I had done some damage.

I took a quick look back to see the rest of the Avengers taking care of the robots. Hawkeye was just watching from the Quinjet, his leg clearly still injured.

Tony launched a few spiraling mini-missiles, and they made contact in bursts of fire and smoke.

Before Ariam could get the chance to react, I slammed a punch right into the side of her face. I was stronger with my suit on, and she went skidding a few feet to the side. She recovered quickly and lunged at me with her blades.

"Woah!" I exclaimed, shooting up into the air. I felt the breeze through my suit as her blade went right by my foot.

Crap she was fast.

Tony fired a few more repulsor blasts, but they did little to nothing.

"Cleo, look for some weak spots," I said, and my HUD scanner started to fidget around.

"Her neck is exposed," Cleo said, locking onto her throat.

"Got it," I said, firing a repulsor blast right toward where her vocal box should be.

At the last second she turned around from facing Iron Man and blocked it.

"Damn," I muttered.

"Her blades and clothes don't break with our repulsors," Tony informed.

"Clearly," I replied, "But her neck is exposed."

"Ok kid," Iron Man said, "I got an idea."

We both fired a few more smoke bombs and Ariam coughed out of the smoke.

"Grab some of the rope we cut down, and loop it through the holes in her blades. Once she's wrapped up-" Tony instructed.

"I'll hold her there," I said. Got it," I fired one last shot towards Ariam's neck and then shot away to grab some rope.

Captain America and Spiderman were back to back, throwing webs and shields wherever they could. Hulk was leaping around, destroying any mini ships that started to come down. Everybody seemed to be holding up ok.

I swiped up a piece of rope that Cleo told me was about 8 feet long.


I swooped back around to see Tony circling above Ariam.

He was firing repulsors at her feet, and she kinda looked like she was doing the Irish jig.

"Got it," I said, lining up the shot.

Ariam's blades had holes just large enough for the rope in them, I just had to line up the throw. I couldn't be a second off.

My HUD beeped and I launched the rope through the air. It whipped out of my hand, and through both holes.

I held one end and swooped around to grab it to the other.

I heated up my blasters, but never fired them, melting the cords into a loop.

No way she could get them off.

I held the rope as taught as I could, digging in my heels to stop Vatra from throwing me over her shoulder.

"Nice work kid," Iron Man complimented, landing in front of her.

Even through our armor I could feel the menacing air he had about him.

Iron man paused for a moment as Ariam thrashed.

"Come on Tony," I urged.

His large blade extended from his right arm, and he readied it.

I saw Arian's head fly off just as she turned around towards me.

I hadn't even feel her blade go right through me as I let go of the rope. I saw my blood on her blade, which lay at her side on the ground.

I felt faint and looked down at my wound. It was losing dangerous amounts of blood.

The last thing I saw was Iron Man rush over, Captain America as his side. 


I told you not to save your breath folks...

will she make it? guess you'll have to find out ;)

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