Chapter 20

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Three rushed at me and I shot them through the chest.


My HUD beeped, telling me that one was coming up from behind me.

I ducked as it went flying over my head. I shot it while it was mid-air and it went flying into a tree with a crunch.


I swung my blades through two more and they slid apart in two.


One shot a large gun at me and it knocked me into a tree. A sharp pain ran through my ribs but I ignored it.

I kicked on my repulsors and flew over the alien that shot me. Once behind it, I turned and shot it in the back.

It dissipated with a screech. 


The scan of my wound completed with a beep and I checked it out of the corner of my eye.

Time to multitask.

I ran my blades through one's leg as I checked my vitals.


Heartbeat normal for this activity, and blood pressure was a little higher than I would've liked.

I sidestepped a shot and fired my repulsors at three more.


My internal bleeding wasn't from a major organ. Just a few veins. I'd be sore as all hell, but hey, isn't that what painkillers are for?

I lurched forward as a creature shot me in the back. It heated up my backplate but didn't pierce it.

As Fury warned, some damage, nothing fatal.

I spun around just as it tackled me.

I was on my back and I saw my HUD indicate more blood spread from my wound. I reached my arm around and stabbed through its head.

Cleo used my eye wipers to get the holographic blood off my visor.


"Lasers," I said, as six more rushed at me from all sides.

I crouched and swiped my lasers around in a circle. They cut through them like a warm knife did to butter.


I saw a red line running through a few surrounding trees and realized the robots weren't the only dangerous holograms.


I saw the trees lean in various directions.

I powered up my thrusters right as a tree loomed over my head. I shot out of the way and twisted around the trees.

The branches up here made it harder to maneuver comfortably.

I felt the stitches in my abdomen strain as I bent my back over a branch.

"Please don't break on me," I pleaded to no one.

I heard some screeches as the some of the aliens were crushed under the falling trees.

I switched my visor to infrared.


I landed on a branch, leaning on the tree for balance. There was a faint throbbing in my abdomen, but I pushed it aside.

I saw two start to climb the branches, and I switched my repulsors to laser mode. I cut the branches they were on and they fell to the ground below.

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