Chapter 35

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"Tony..." I gasped.

"Don't say anything. I'm not getting them," he said. I heard the emotion in his voice, though he did his best to hide it.

"But you're thinking about it," I said, as we started walking again.

I ate the last my ice cream and licked my fingers while I waited for Tony to reply.

"Maybe," Tony said shortly, and I had to bite my cheek from squealing.

I did jump up and down though.

"But I'm not sure," Tony said, as we got to the car.

"Don't bullshit me. You wanna do it and you know it," I said, closing my door.

Tony just shook his head and smiled as he started the car.

We peeled away, and about halfway through the drive I yawned.

It was only 10:30, so I don't know why I was tired. Oh well.

I didn't fight it as I let the humming of the engine lull me to sleep.

I woke up maybe 45 minutes later to someone carrying me. I wanted to open my eyes to see who it was, but I just held my eyes closed and opened my ears.

"Thanks babe. I would've carried her but I'm not strong enough," Tony said, chuckling lightly.

"No problem," Steve whispered.

I didn't hear strain in his voice at carrying me, which I was thankful. Bless his super soldier body.

"You know I love her just as much as I love you," Steve whispered again.

It took every ounce of me to continue my fake sleeping when I heard that.

Steve loves Tony! Tony loves Steve!

I couldn't even open my eyes, but I knew Tony was looking at the floor.

I heard the front door open and I was carried to my room.

Steve said me down, and I heard a light kiss be exchanged before I was left alone.

Well, I thought I was alone. I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. Tony was sitting at the bottom of my bed.

"How much of that did you hear?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Enough to know that if you don't propose to him, he will to you," I said.

Tony sighed.

"Let me wait until we get back to New York. Then maybe," Tony said.

"Hey I'm not rushing you," I said, putting my hands up in defense, "I just think you guys are meant for each other."

Wow that was sappy. I heard him laugh lightly.

"Cleo what time is it?" I asked.

"11:20," she replied.

"I should probably let you go to bed now, right?" Tony asked, standing up.

"You think I'm going to bed?" I said, swinging my legs over the bed.

After my quick little power nap, all I was gonna need to get going was a cup of coffee. I already had sugar in my blood from the ice cream.

Tony laughed. "You really are my daughter," he said.

My heart skipped. His daughter. I think that was the first time he said that.

I grinned softly.

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