Chapter 12

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It took maybe 30 seconds to find a hidden alley to hide our suits, that was within walking distance to the building.

I'll admit I had some butterflies.

Fuck, this was really happening!

This was the first time in nearly 4 years I was gonna have a family. I mean, a dad. But he had a boyfriend so... And Barton and Banner could be like uncles; Natasha could be like a cool sister or something. Thor was like the grandpa that was too energetic for someone so old.

And Peter... well we kissed so it'd be weird if I included him in my "family."

Tony and I walked up some steps into the building. It was mostly white with a dark leather couch and chairs opposite the doors. There were two desks on opposite walls, with one elevator each.

Behind one desk sat a woman in a turtleneck and jeans. (In June?!) Her eyes were kind, but you could see the lines that framed her face. Behind the other desk sat a man that very nearly resembled the Hulk. Only in build though.

Instead of crushing you with a car, he seemed more likely to crush you with a hug. He had black hair and a warm face.

Tony turned to talk to the woman.

"Hi there," he said.

The lady jumped when she saw him.

"M-Mr. Stark! What are you doing here?" she said. "I mean... How can I help you?"

Tony grinned his TV smile that I had seen a thousand times. "I'm here to adopt this young lady," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I gave a curt wave and smile.

"Um ok," the lady said, typing into the computer. "Was she in our system?"

"No," I spoke up.

"Ok then," she said, "Third floor, ask for Mrs. Turner. She'll take care of you."

"Thank you," Tony said, fixing his smile for a brief moment.

The elevator doors closed behind us.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Steve you hit on her," I teased.

Tony shot me a look, hiding a smile.

"I didn't hit on her," he said. "I haven't truly hit on anyone but Steve for months."

"Months?!" I half-shouted as the doors opened. I got a glare from a lady. "Sorry," I whispered, wincing in embarassment.

Tony laughed and stepped up to a lady behind a desk.

"Mrs. Turner?" he asked.

The lady didn't even look fazed by Tony Stark standing in front of her. But judging by the (horrendously old) computer in front of her, she'd probably never heard of him.

"Three doors down, on the left," she said rather blankly, as if she said it a thousand times.

So we walked three doors down to the left, and the second the door opened the doors opened my heart dropped. Two chairs sat on the other side of Mrs. Turner's desk. One of them was where I would sign some papers and become a daughter again. For the first time in years I'd have someone. Someone to cry to when shit got hard. Someone to answer to when I messed up. Someone to ask for help when I needed it.

Holy crap this was really happening.

"Mr. Stark, come in," Mrs. Turner invited.

Tony and I sat down, me in the right chair, him in the left.

"So you want to adopt this young lady?" she asked him.

"Yes," Tony said.

The printer in the corner of the room turned on.

"How long have you known her?" she asked.

"Almost 4 days," he said.

Mrs. Turner looked shocked. "4 days?! Mr. Stark are you sure you want to do this after such little time?" she asked.

"Mrs. Turner. I may seem like an impulsive person, and you wouldn't be wrong, but I always think things through," Tony said. "And I've thought this through very well."

"Dear," she said, turning to me, "My system says that you have been without a parent or guardian for nearly 4 years. Is that right?"

I nodded.

"Parents murdered at 2, aunt and uncle killed in car crash at 11," I said.

"And you've managed to maintain an average school record. Where were you living?" Mrs. Turner asked.

"An old family friend cleared out the basement of the apartment building he owned. It was warm and cold as I needed it, and I used people's trash for money and supplies," I said.

"Oh ok then. And what's your name?" she asked.

"Faith," I said, "Faith Clarke."

"Well, Faith, do you want to change your last name?" she asked.

Did I want to erase my last name? My link to my past. The one with tears, struggle, and hard times? The one with my parents and aunt and uncle. I guess...

I mean I had to look to the future now! A new family. A new life full of opportunities.

"Yes," I said, looking to Stark.

I saw him raise an eyebrow, and I mimicked him. His face relaxed into a gentle grin.

"Alright then," Mrs. Turner said.

She pulled the papers from the printer, some pens from her drawers, and set them on the table.

"So these papers just state that Faith Clarke is now in Tony Stark's parental care, and is his responsibility," Mrs Turner said, "And should we hear or suspect you of neglect or abuse, Mr. Stark, we have the right to void these papers and bring you into the court of law."

"That won't be necessary," Tony said, signing where needed.

"And Faith," she turned to me, "I saw that you recently dropped out of high school, so I should hope that Tony will be teaching you at home. If you need anything, you can always visit or call."

"Thanks," I said.

Now it was my turn to sign. So I did, adding a fancy scroll on the last one.

I was now officially Faith Stark!


Faith stark huh? I think its got a little ring to it, dont you?

But dont worry, this story is nowhere near done yet <3

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