Chapter 31

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Tony was still working in there, but I could work around him.

I realized Clint's arrows weren't finished either.

I unlocked the cabinet with the models, some welders gear from the closet, and swiped a hologram from Tony's station.

"Hey!" he whined as I brought the screen over to the other side of the lab.

"I need it!" I whined back, closing out his files and opening up my "Birdy" one.

"Fine," Tony subsided.

"Thank you!" I called, flipping down my visor.

I knew Clint already had an excessive amount of arrows, so I recreated those before working on my new ones.

I made them out of lighter, but stronger, nitinol this time (except for the vibranium and adamantium arrows.)

I had found a tiny bit of leftover vibranium for the new arrowheads.

The chemical solution I'd be replicating was extremely volatile and it could burn through most noble metals.

Vibranium is no noble metal though, so it'd work perfectly.

Aqua regia is the chemical I was recreating. I had read about it in chemistry earlier this year, and I had considered adding it to new weapons in my suit.

However, at that time I was still living in a shitty basement so I couldn't make it.

"Tony do you have any flasks around here that won't get demolished by acid?" I called over to him.

"What are you doing with acid?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I had hidden the finished arrows so he couldn't see what I was working on.

"Just, do you have a flask?" I asked, dodging his question.

"What acid are you looking to make?" he asked, meeting me halfway between the lab rooms.

"Aqua regia," I said.

No point in lying. If I was going to get the job done without injuring myself, I was going to have to be honest about what I was doing.

"Faith..." Tony said, giving me a concerned look.

"I'll be safe!" I said.

"You know how dangerous aqua regia is, right?" he double checked, walking over to sort through some flasks.

"Jeez Tony you're starting to sound like a dad," I said, as he handed me a flash. His face softened.

"That's because I am one," he chuckled lightly.

Shit why do I keep forgetting that?! I played it off by laughing, as I walked back to the machine filled portion of the lab.

I swapped my welders gear for chemistry gear (thick gloves, goggles, and a heavy duty smock), and grabbed the necessary chemicals from the cabinet market "Hazardous Materials."

At least Tony had the common sense to label things.

I carefully set the jars of nitric and hydrochloric acid down next to the empty flask.

Slowly, I poured the chemicals together using the steps on the holographic screen to guide me.

I didn't wanna screw this up and burn my hand off.

Once the solution was done, I filtered it into the vibranium arrowhead and sealed it up.

The aqua regia could be used to make holes in armor, burning away at most metals.

It could probably get through mine and Tony's suits too, so I was grateful that Clint was on our side.

I made a few more before hiding them in the growing pile of arrows.

I made a few more arrows that were invisible. You could only see the blinking purple tracker on the back, which was activated after Clint hit it.

I'd have to tell him to hit the button while he notched the arrow, otherwise he'd lose track of it.

Those arrows would come in handy for stealth missions. His enemies would (quite literally) never know what hit them.

I finished with the arrows and carefully wrapped them up in plastic sheets.

"Holy crap what is that?" Tony asked as I carried the large bundle out in my arms.

"You'll see," I croaked out and I looked around the pile at the stairs.

I practically waddled down the stairs, ignoring the stares from the rest of the team as I walked down the living quarters hallway to Clint's room.

I opened the door with my foot and dropped the arrows on his bed with a sigh of relief.

Those things were heavy.

I walked back into the main area, and saw the sun was now on the horizon. Steve was his phone again, running through media websites.

"Steve," I said, leaning over his shoulder.

He was sitting on the couch.

"Yeah?" he said, not looking up.

"Relax. We'll get it fixed up," I reassured.

"Faith, you don't get it. When I was first injected with the serum my whole life was put on display. When I went under it happened again. It hasn't happened since, until now. I had a chance at a private life!" Steve said.

His hands were shaking now. I swung over the couch and pulled him up into a hug.

Nat came over and joined us.

I remembered that Clint had left for a mission so that's why he wasn't here. Otherwise he would've bear-hugged us all.

The three of us held the hug until I felt Steve calm down.

I pulled away, and Nat followed suit.

"Thank you," Steve sighed.

"Any time," I said.

I heard my phone ring from my room and I went to go pick it up. It was a Facetime call from Peter.

I smiled as I answered it, closing my bedroom door.

"Hey!" I said, sitting Indian style on my bed and holding my phone out in front of me. 


I honestly feel bad for doing this to steve but youll see why ;)

hope yall are enjoying <3

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