Chapter 9

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I worked until the sun came up. Well, almost. The elevator dinged and I paused my work.

"Steve?' I said, kinda shocked to see him down here.

"What's goin' on?" he asked, sitting on the table.

"Nothing?" I said, still kinda confused about his presence. "What about you?"

"Just figured I'd check on you," he said.

"That's rare," I muttered.

"Hey, Tony's too busy to father you, and Natasha's with Peter. Just figured I'd take Tony's spot for a bit," Steve said.

Always so righteous.

"Tony as a father? Ok. Sure," I said skeptically.

Steve looked down at his lap and I could see a faint blush at his cheeks. Did he... Did Steve have a thing for Tony? No way.

"And he hasn't said anything about adopting me," I said.

While I was negating the whole idea of Tony as a dad, the thought crossed my mind. It would be so freaking cool to be adopted by Tony Stark!

"I know," was all Steve said, his mind clearly elsewhere. Still thinking about Stark?

"Steve," said, snapping my fingers to get his true attention. "Do you have a thing for Tony?"

"What?" he asked, his blond head snapping up. "No. No way." Steve replied way to quick for that to be true

"Steve..." I coaxed.

His face was as red as the Star Spangled Banner and he had taken up a deep interest in the floor. I realized that this was a man who grew up in the 1920s, when you'd get killed for coming out. Times have definitely changed.

"Steve, it's the 21st century. You can tell me," I said. 

Geez, between Steve and Peter I was starting to feel like the new Avengers therapist!

"Just don't tell him," Steve said, blushing furiously, "because I don't know how he feels."

"Your secret's safe with me," I said, resuming my work. I barely fought off the triumphant smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

Steve walked out, leaving me alone with my work again.

It was 8:30 when the elevator opened again. I was just about to start the head of my suit. This time it was Natasha and Banner.

"Everybody's hanging at my place I guess," I said, flipping up my visor. 

Good morning to you too," Bruce smiled.

"Morning," I said. Nat set a plate of steaming eggs and bacon on my table.

"How's the suit coming?" Natasha asked, sitting next to my food.

"Almost done," I said.

"Anything you need help with?" Bruce asked, sitting in my chair.

"Nah," I declined, taking a bite of eggs. I saw Banner look at my manufacturing program.

"This is genius," he remarked. "Does it just work for your suits?"

"I'm sure it could be modified for other things," I said, stilling working on my breakfast. 

"Damn. You're not hungry at all," Nat said sarcastically.

"It's been quite the morning," I said, trying not to blush. There was a moment of silence.

"So what happened with you and Peter?" she blurted.

"What?" Bruce asked.

"Nothing," I said, half choking on my food in surprise.

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