Chapter 18

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Did he just say that?

I felt sick to my stomach. I choked back bile and I shut my eyes.

We hadn't even done anything! How the hell was it possible?! He he have a, dream, and it got through our clothes?!

I felt like I was gonna throw up.

But I can't.



Won't let myself.

I opened my eyes again as the bile settled down.

"Is it- It is ok?" I stammered, still in shock.

Peter looked at me, his face grave. I knew the answer when I saw the face of a kicked puppy looking at me.

"Oh," I whispered.

I felt hot tears. Why the hell was I so upset over something I never really had?

"Who knew?" I managed. 

"Just me. The doctor pulled me aside," Peter replied.

"Ok," I said.

"Want the others to come back in?" he offered.

I nodded. Sometimes I really did need to fake it 'till you make it.

Peter opened the door, and the rest of the Avengers came back inside.

"You guys good?" Clint asked.

"Yeah," I lied, putting on a smile, "But when can I get discharged from this place? It smells like bleach."

A second later a large black man in a black, leather overcoat, and a black eye patch walked in.

"Whenever you show me that you are fit to be an Avenger," he said.

Tony sighed, clearly not this guys biggest fan.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

I saw Tony grin proudly.

"Nick Fury, head of S.H.I.E.L.D.," he said.

"Nice," I replied.

I'd never heard of this man, but he was clearly important so I figured it best to stay on his good side.

"So how do I show you I'm ready?" I asked. I really wanted to get out of here.

"Well I'll have someone bring you your clothes, and then you can show me how this suit of yours works," he said, waving someone in.

They placed my clothes on the foot of the bed.

"Thanks," I said as she walked out.

"Can I have a moment to talk?" Steve asked.

I was kinda shocked. What was there to talk about? Besides getting stabbed, but that was already covered.

"Sure," Tony said, patting his shoulder.

They shared a brief kiss before I was left alone with Steve.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. Again.

"I told you I'm fine," I said.

"Faith, I know people like you," Rogers said, clearly referring to Tony. "You may say you're fine, but I know that's not always the case."

I sighed.

I wanted to tell someone about what Peter and I lost, but I couldn't. Not without risking my reputation, and any trust this team had given me.

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