Chapter 36

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"Cleo activate my suit," I said.

I left my necklace in my room and I didn't have time to get it.

"Noah find out what weapons that thing's got on it," I ordered as my Fury II suit clicked into place around me.

"JARVIS see if you can get inside of it. Undetected," I said, blasting down the halls and out the front door. Quietly though.

It said the ship was coming in from the east, so I rushed off to meet it.

I saw the inside lights from the cockpit, maybe about a mile out. The clouds had surrounded me now, so I had Cleo adjust my HUD visor.

"It's got a bunch of guns, but that's it. The guns seem to be highly advanced technology though," Noah said over my comms.

"I'm sorry to say I can't access their system. I'll keep trying though," JARVIS said.

"Noah help him out," I said, dropping off the radars.

Now they'd only be able to see me from the glow of the power source in my suit's chest.

I heard thunder in the distance, and expected rain. I silently praised my suit's new waterproof abilities as the first drops hit.

I circled above the jet and looked to find any weak spots.

"Cleo open a comm link to that jet," I said.

"Established," Cleo responded, moments later.

"Hey there," I said, "So, you're kinda in my airspace and my buddies say your not so friendly. There's no landing strip here so I recommend you keep moving."

There was a moment of radio silence before a reply came.

"This is the King of Wakanda. We mean no harm. We are looking for a Stephen Rogers, under request of James Buchanan Barnes. We do not need a landing strip, I just ask that you let us land safely," a man said.

He had a thick accent, but he spoke calmly.

I was skeptical to reply, but there was something that made me allow him to land.

"Alright. But don't try anything. There's a super soldier, an assassin, a raging radioactive monster, and two super geniuses in there," I said, as I lowered my altitude.

I landed next to the tennis  courts as the plane touched down.

I stepped out of my suit, and Cleo piloted it back to the lab. It was quiet out here, but not cold.

I felt a bit underdressed in my sweats as the apparent "King of Wakanda" stepped out of his jet.

It was an aircraft similar to the Quinjet, but the engines were a little different.

However it was apparent that this guy was true royalty: he wore a black button down shirt with intricate silver patterns, and a necklace with what looked like talons on it. He wore nice boots, and pants that were a mix between jeans and leggings. (No, not jeggings.)

He was dark skin, and so was the female warrior beside her.

She had a clean shaved head, but it only made her more terrifying. She was in red, gold, black, and silver armor, with a belt that made the outfit look more like a dress. She carried a gold spear with her, with a menacing tip.

I knew to tread on light ground, because just by looking at her I knew she could kill me with her smallest toe.

But then were was a man who came out behind them, looking around like he was searching for something.

He was tall and muscular, and was wearing pants similar to the King's. Except his looked more like jeans.

There was a gun holster strapped around his right thigh, but there was nothing in it.

He had a collared shirt under a thicker shirt which was buckled shut on his right side. It only had one sleeve which covered his right arm, as his left arm was metal.

It was so detailed and intricate that I couldn't but stare. It was built to look as muscular as the rest of him.

His hair was long, but well kept, and he had a bit of a stubble growing. His eyes were a piercing blue, even in the 2:00 moonlight.

"Hello," the King said, "I'm King T'Challa of Wakanda."

"Faith Stark," I said, extending my hand.

I didn't want to be rude to a king. He shook it briefly, like a common diplomat would.

"This is my general, Okoye," T'Challa said, waving in show to the woman beside him.

She nodded curtly.

One of many words.

"I'm James Barnes. But you can call me Bucky," the other man said.


Surprise :)))))

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