Chapter 3

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"You need anything?" he asked, sounding actually curious about my well-being. I thought for a second. I need new wires and metal for Cleo's entity. Might as well ask.

"Yeah," I said. "Where can I get some metals, wires, and cameras? As well as an audio box?"

"Three floors down," he said. "Enjoy kid." Then the call ended.

I finished my pizza and downed my coffee, before going down three floors. I had my calculations in my journal, and her main chip in my necklace.

Cleo was getting an entity.

In the storage floor I found everything I could ever need. I grabbed a quart of wires, none wider than 1 mm, a camera the size of my thumbnail, a speaker the size of my palm, a color changing light, and a box of metal plates. I'd give her a look later.

Then I went back up to my lab. I worked on her all night, drinking coffee like it was air. 

By the time I was done, I had made a floating orb with a light that changed to her mood, with visual and audio, a secondary memory chip, her main chip, and a cooling system.

I set up a small charging pad that plugged into the table and placed the orb on it.

"Charge up," I said. I smiled to myself when I heard Cleo squeal from the speakers as I set the orb down.

It was nearly 7:00 in the morning when my bedroom curtains closed and I passed out onto my bed.

I woke up a groggy mess at 12:30 - and that was only because Cleo was making coffee. 

I got downstairs to see her floating orb bouncing around the kitchen.

"Morning," she said, as I made my coffee.

I nodded. It was too early to speak. 

I scanned the room before taking my drink upstairs to get ready. 

Black crop top and metal plated jeans. I always wore my iron toed combat boots in case my clumsy self dropped something on my foot. I added a bit of makeup and went down to my lab.

"Cleo, run this things schematics," I said, tapping on my suit of iron with a clink.

"On it boss," Cleo replied, zipping over to my suit.

I needed a new one. My current one worked fine, but it was outdated. The repulsors were just strong enough to knock a truck over, the thrusters couldn't get me to break the sound barrier, and I had to be careful in the rain. It also needed a new paint job, and a lighter (but stronger) material.

"When you're done, just send them to my laptop," I told Cleo before going back down to the storage floor.

Aluminum and titanium plating would be perfect. Actually, scratch the aluminum. Just titanium. 

I found a large cart and filled it with wires, titanium, glass, and whatever else I needed. Since glass was a better heat conductor, or repeller, I'd line my new replusors with that so as not to weaken the titanium.

"Hey kid!" I heard someone call. I turned around.

"Hey Tony," I said as he came up next to me.

"Whatcha doin'?" he asked, eyeing my cart.

"New suit," I said. 

"Titanium?" Tony sighed. "Kid I got a lot to teach you."

I rolled my eyes, as he motioned for me to follow him. He held up a sheet of metal.

"Nitinol," he said. "Better than titanium in 1,000 ways." 

Tony had a worker swap out my glass and titanium for nitinol. 

"It's got a shape returning force of over 30,000 PSI, a melting point of 2,370 F, and it's much lighter than titanium." Tony paused for a second. "Do you know what graphene is?" he continued.

"I may not have known about nitinol, but I'm no idiot," I replied.

Graphene was a, one atom thick, super material. Bulletproof, lightweight, and almost entirely invisible. I had used whatever amounts I could get on the chest, helmet, and groin on my old suit.

"Then you might wanna grab some. And I have an extra reactor if you want to put it in your suit," Tony offered, tapping the one built into his chest.

"Yeah. Thanks," I said, grabbing some graphene.

"Just come up if you need it," Tony said as he walked away.

Back in my workshop, I dumped my stuff on the floor and put my cart in the corner.

"Any issues with Fury I?" I asked.

"Fury I?" Cleo asked, not recognizing the new name for my suit.

"Yeah. I'm naming my suits now," I declared.

"Oh," Cleo replied. "Well the Fury I schematics are fine."

"Good," I said. "Then can you turn on my music?"

Cleo's orb shook, as a nod, and the music turned on.

I pulled up the old designs/schematics for Fury I and added the new equations and materials. 

The nitinol allowed for my thrusters to naturally give me more speed, but I still upped my max output. I added in the stronger repulsor algorithms, and swiped my screen onto the largest monitor. I flipped it around so it read right when I was by the welding model.

I had made a new program a few years back that would simplify the steps for making my more complicated projects. It'd still probably take about a day, but it would be longer without the program.

7 hours, and 2 coffee pots, later I had both legs and the lower torso done. 

I wiped the small beads of sweat off my brow and stepped back for a moment. It looked pretty damn good so far, and it'd better be worth it. I had plenty of nicks and cuts down my arms and hands from loose wires and metal scraps.

Don't forget the welders grease I had smeared on my hands and now probably my forehead.

"Faith, you've got someone coming up to your floor," Cleo informed, hovering by my shoulder. It was just past 8:30 at night. Who would be coming up?

"Is it Tony or Pepper?" I asked.

"Nope," she replied.

I scrunched my eyebrows. I couldn't have just any visitor, so I got upstairs with Cleo by my right as the elevator doors opened. A boy, not much older than me, was frantically hitting the button.

"No no no!" he said, "Wrong floor!" 


who do you think it is?? enemy or foe?

also for anyone whos sticking with this story thank you so much for the support I swear im trying <3

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