Chapter 26

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*warning* slight smut

It felt like seconds before I woke up again, but I knew it had been hours.

For starters I was now wide awake and well-rested. And also I smelt something in the kitchen.


The alarm clock on the nightstand read 12:30.

I had slept for 9 hours!

"Cleo who's where in this house right now?" I asked, wanting to know how I should present myself.

"Steve's taking a few laps around the mansion. Tony is in his room. Peter and Natasha are in the kitchen. Bruce is in his lab, and Clint is at the pool," Cleo replied.

"Thanks," I said.

So I'd shower before going out of my room. I stood under the shower for maybe an hour, soaping, shaving, and washing whenever I got bored.

When I got out I dried my hair, fixed my face, and pulled out a new pair of clothes. A cute tank top with some leggings was fine.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail as I walked into the kitchen.

Peter was on a stool behind the breakfast bar. Natasha was leaning on the counter across from them, a mug of steaming liquid in her hands.

"Morning sleepy head," she greeted, "Or should I say afternoon."

"Afternoon," I replied, making myself a cup of coffee.

I was awake now after my shower.

"You hungry?" Nat asked. "

A little," I admitted.

I don't think I have eaten in 24 hours, and it was gonna catch up to me.

"Peanut butter and jelly ok?" she asked, pulling out the ingredients.

"Perfect," I said, leaning on the counter.

"Steve told me you didn't sleep much last night," Peter said, giving me a look of slight disapproval.

"I got 9 hours!" I whined.

"After going to bed at 3:30," Peter replied.

"Cleo you traitor!" I laughed.

"Not me," Cleo defended.

"Guilty as charged," JARVIS said. His half-monotone voice made it twice as funny.

We all laughed.

"What were you working on?" Peter asked.

I wanted to show him but I didn't know if it was the right time.

Oh well.

Honestly when you almost die, you kinda realize how limited time can be.

I sent a glance to Natasha before taking Peter's hand and dragging him to the lab.

"Where are we going?" he laughed as I dragged him up the stairs.

"Come on!" I laughed as I plugged in my code.

"Woah," Peter said, breaking free of my grasp and looking around the massive room. Bruce was up in his lab.

"I know, right?" I said, unlocking the drawer with Peter's new tech.

"This is insane," I heard Peter mutter.

I pulled out the phone and earbuds, and held them behind my back. "Noah you there?" I double checked.

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