Chapter 8

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*fluffy kiss warning*

It was just about 3:30, so I heated up some pizza and a fresh mug of coffee. I was finally starting to feel my muscles relax.

"I swear you really are Tony's daughter," Natasha said, eyeing my current meal. I laughed. I hadn't even noticed her on the couch.

"Where's Steve and Peter?" I asked.

"Steve's with Tony. Peter's upstairs," she told me. At the mention of Peter I remembered the gashes on Peter's back.

"Do you have a suture kit?" I asked.

"Better off asking Tony," Natasha replied. So I dialed Tony, and 15 minutes later I had one.

My aunt and my mom were NPs, so when I was 6 my aunt taught me how to suture. Peter's cuts seemed like they would need it.

I went upstairs to find Peter shirtless and with wet hair.

"Hey," I said, putting the kit on the bed next to him.

"Hi," he replied.

"How are your cuts?" I asked.

"Painful," he admitted. "But my powers make me heal super quick."

He didn't move as I sat behind him on the bed. Peter was right - the cuts were already healing on the edges, but they were still deep in the center.

"These need sutures," I stated, opening the kit.

"Will I feel anything?" he asked. I could hear the nerves in his voice. 

"Nope," I said, rubbing the numbing cream and disinfectant on. I prodded at his skin with the needle. "Feel that?" I tested.

"Feel what?" Peter replied.

"Good," I said, as I set to work.I was fast with my hands but I wanted to be careful. The Butterfly stitch was the simplest one I knew but it still took me about 20 minutes.

We sat in silence  while I worked, but it was comfortable. Not that horrible tension everyone hates.

"Done," I declared, closing the kit.

"Thanks," Peter said, reaching to feel his stitches. I grabbed his hand to move it away.

"You can't touch or wash them for a day or so," I told him.

"Ok," Peter said before I went downstairs.

4:05 and I needed to eat my food. And shower. So it was nearly 7:00 by the time I was ready and cleaned up enough to go up to Tony's place upstairs.

The Avengers were already up there.

"Nice stitch work," Banner complimented. Peter must've shown them.

"Thanks," I said, stealing another mug of coffee.

"When did you learn?" Steve asked.

"My aunt taught me when I was 6," I said.

"Impressive," he remarked.

"Thanks," I said. Bruce yawned.

"I gotta go to bed," he said.

"Have fun," Clint replied, waving as Bruce walked off.

"Kid how's your new suit?" Tony asked.

"Still haven't earned my name?" I teased.

"Not quite," he said.

"The suit's fine though. Just two hands, an arm, and the head are left," I said. "Thanks for asking."

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