Chapter 22

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"ACDC!" Tony called from the cockpit.

"92 Explorer?" Peter requested.

"I don't care," both Clint and Natasha said in unison.

Bruce smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"You don't happen to like classical piano?" he asked.

"Sorry but no," Tony said.

"Steve?" I asked.

"I don't really know any songs from this time period," he shrugged, and I gave a pouty lip.

"Cleo you got that?" I asked.

"On it," she said.

I heard a bit of whirring inside the Quinjet and then the speakers popped to life.

Shoot to Thrill came on and Tony peaked his head out of the cockpit.

"Cleo you're the best!" he said, before going back to his copilot seat.

I laughed and Peter smiled.

I turned up the music using a little dial on the side of the wall, and slid into another chair behind Bruce's.

I'd wait for Bruce's research on 1940s versus 2018 tech to be done before starting on Steve's phone, so I decided to work on Peter's new tech.

"Can you work on that research first?" I asked Bruce, while pulling up a new screen.

Cleo's orb was right alongside me, and I admit I kinda forgot she was there.

Steve, Natasha, and Peter were all talking in the main area, looking at the table top's screen.

I shifted my screen away from them and Cleo opened up a new coding program.

"Cleo can you send your basic coding over?" I asked. It'd be easier to start a new AI from a base.

"Of course," she said.

A loading bar popped up on the screen and soon it hit 100%.

Thousands of lines of my coding were on the screen and I spread the view across multiple holographs and computer screens. I hit a few buttons and blurred out the back of the holographs so only I could see them.

"Holy crap," Bruce muttered when he saw the work.

"Language!" Steve called back. I laughed.

"Is that-?" Banner started to ask but I cut him off.

"Yup," I said, scrolling through Cleo's coding.

"This is a copy, right?" I double checked with her, not wanting to edit her actual coding.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Perfect," I said, finding the personality portion.

I pulled it out of the coding, leaving a bookmark behind so I knew where to replace it.

Once it was on it's own screen, I started to edit. I changed the gender to male and the name to "Noah."

I made his personality a combination of me and Steve. Sassy but kind. Honest but not rude. Usually. I had just pulled the personality coding back into place when Clint came back into the main part of the Quinjet.

"We're about 10 minutes away," he said, as Nat took his place in the cockpit.

"Ok," I said, pulling the coding back onto one main screen. That had taken a seriously long time.

"Whatcha working on?" Tony asked.

Cleo hid my work for me as I turned to face him.

"Nothing," I said.

Tony raised a skeptical eyebrow at me, and I imitated him. He smiled.

"Just don't blow anything up," he said.

"No promises!" I called to him as he went and sat next to Steve.

Peter was up in the cockpit with Natasha. Momma and baby spider goals.

Banner yawned.

The music was now playing Psycho, by Post Malone.

"Try to stuff it all in but it don't even fit," I sang along quietly.

"I hope you're not doing that," Steve teased.

Damn superhuman hearing.

"I could say the same for you," I said, not looking up from my work.

"Well I think I can vouch for the fact that it does fit," Tony added, getting both me and Steve to blush to our ears.

I didn't need that image.

"Ew!" Clint groaned.

I turned to look at Peter through the cockpit entrance, and he was a fire engine red.

Natasha was laughing so hard her face almost matched Peter's.

I had almost forgotten about what we lost, and I felt my throat swell with sadness. I shouldn't be this emotional. I wouldn't let myself.

Bruce yawned again.

"JARVIS what time is it?" Tony asked.

"It is currently 7:46 pm, sir," he said.

No wonder. It felt like 10:46 to our New York bodies.

Through the cockpit I saw a setting sun over the Pacific Ocean.

I'd never been on the west coast before. And it the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

The water was so calm, and the sky was orange with the setting sun.

I closed out my work for good as we started our quiet descent.

"Cleo make a folder for that please," I requested.

"Ok," she said, "It'll be a locked folder named Noah."

"Locked folder?" Tony asked.

"You'll see," I said, waving a dismissive hand.

He raised an eyebrow but I ignored it.

I walked into the cockpit as we flew over Avengers mansion.

Well, it was Stark's mansion but apparently he had done some renovations. It was all white and there was a wall of windows overlooking a massive pool. The pool wasn't needed though because it was on a cliff leering over the ocean. We landed on the ginormous front lawn, only dipping a little as Nat set us down with a steady hand.

Tony got out first, his hand laced with Steve's.

I followed right behind them, shoulder to shoulder with Peter. Natasha was on my left side, and Banner was right behind her. Clint was behind all of us. 

We went up the driveway, around the grass "field" in the middle of the cul de sac, and into the doors.


this is tonys Malibu mansion and this was before I saw iron man 3 so its a little inaccurate

Im also gonna try and bring in some closer fam relationships (bruce, thor, clint, etc.)

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