Chapter 21

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"I need everyone out of here," the doctor ordered.

Tony patted my shoulder before Steve lead him away by the waist. Too cute.

"So you ripped your stitches," she said. Her name tag read Kayla May.

"Yup," I said, gesturing to my abdomen.

"Alright so I'm just gonna numb the area and restitch you. We have some stronger material for you now," Kayla said, walking over to a door.

She inserted a key and unlocked it.

She pulled out a bottle of clear liquid, and a suture kit.

"You don't need the numbing cream," I said.

I once sliced open the palm of my hand on a piece of metal when I was 13. Only thing I had was the stitches, so I sewed myself up.

Pain and all.

"You may not need it, but our protocol requires it," she said.

"Ok," I said, not wanting to argue.

She pulled out a stool from under the stretcher and sat down.

I watched while she undid and redid my stitches, watching her movements. Lord knows I'd have to redo them.

"They've been enhanced so they should close your wound rather quickly. They dissolve on their own," Kayla said.

"Perfect," I replied, "And how long should that take?"

"A week," she said without hesitation.

A week wasn't too bad.

"Ok so for a week I just can't get thrown through the trees. Easy," I convinced myself.

I could still work in my lab and be outside.

"Pretty much," Kayla said.

I liked her. Straight to the point, but she seemed chill.

I watched as she closed off the stitches and cut the excess cord.

"Alright then," she said, cleaning up.

"Thanks," I said, touching the numb area. The only thing that felt it was my fingertips. That numbing shit worked like a god.

She walked out, only to be replaced by the Avengers.

Clint leaned up against the wall, next to Natasha. Peter was by Banner who hovered at the foot of my bed. Steve was on my right, Tony on my left.

"That was fast," Banner remarked.

"And painless," I said, prodding my stitches again.

"Good," Steve said. I nodded.

"How do you feel about a vacation?" Tony offered.

There was a chorus of confused faces and "what"s.

"Tony..." Steve started. 

"I know, impulsive. But I'm not talking Bora Bora, unless-" Tony started.

"Not again," Clint shut down.

"Fine," Tony said, "But I just meant the Avengers mansion."

"You guys have a mansion?" Peter asked.

"Benefits of having a billionaire for a leader," Nat said, jabbing a finger towards Tony.

"Actually, Steve's the leader. I just pay for everything and make us look cool," Tony said.

I smiled, and Steve blushed at the compliment.

"So Capsicle, do we have an all clear to Avengers mansion?" Tony asked.

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