Chapter 14

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I don't even remember what time it was when we fell asleep. All I know was that at 4:30 the next morning, everywhere his hand had been, tingled like crazy.

I carefully slipped out of bed, washed my face, threw on a t-shirt and sweatpants, and went to my lab.

Cleo had gotten downstairs, but she was still asleep on her charging pad. I put my music on in my earbuds, and carefully searched for paint for my suit.

If I woke Cleo up now, she'd bombard me with more questions than the interviewers.

Shit, that reminded me - 12 hours until I had the press conference.

I muffled a yawn as I pulled out some paint supplies. I needed to do something to relax, but I also needed coffee.

I went upstairs and made a quick cup. Although I did have music on, I managed to monitor my noise levels.

I turned around to go back downstairs, and almost dropped my mug. Bruce was sleeping on the pull out couch!

I guess Tony did have something planned for Steve after all.

I went back downstairs, downed my coffee, and pulled my suit into the center of the room. From there I started my work. I was a bit twitchy with the sudden influx of caffeine after a 24 hour fast, but I managed to keep a steady hand. The main color was a dark, army green. Every plate had a thin gold lining, and a thinner black one around the edges. From the energy battery I did gold and black motherboard designs, that got thinner and more spread out as they reached my fingertips and shins.

It was 6:00 when I finally put my paintbrush down. The sun was starting to come up, but Cleo was still resting on her charging pad.

I was just scrolling through my phone when a call popped up on my screen.

Clint? Why the hell was he calling this early in the morning? Wait, it was a six hour difference over there. It was noon for him and Nat. I picked up the call, transferring the audio to my earbuds.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Buda Castle," Clint said, out of breath. I saw a flash of red hair running beside him. "Compromised. Get here!"

I opened my mouth to say something but he ended the call. Shit!

"Cleo!" I shouted, waking her up.

"I'm up!" she shouted, shooting up off her charging pad.

"Get Tony and Steve down here. Now," I ordered, rushing into my suit. Bless quick dry paint.

I practically shook Peter awake and told him to suit up.

Bruce had been woken up by my running.

"What's going on?" he asked, as Steve and Tony walked in in their uniforms.

"Clint and Nat called. They need us at Buda Castle," I said.

JARVIS came over the speaker. "I've already started the Quinjet and set course for Budapest," he said.

"Great," Steve said, taking Bruce and Peter with him into the elevator.

"Hope your suit's charged," Tony said, as we raced to the balcony.

"It's got 100% plus an electricity harnesser. Just get me struck by lightning and I'll be fine," I said, leaping off.

I fell a few feet before my thrusters kicked in. My helmet beeped as my comms linked with everyone else's.

"Cleo, set course for Buda Castle," I said.

"Already done," she said.

"Thanks," I said. Tony and I raced just ahead of the Quinjet.

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