Chapter 7

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Peter had already gone upstairs by the time my suit had locked in around me. I shot up to Tony, to see everyone in their uniforms.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Physco with robots," Tony briefed.

"Where?" Peter asked. Tony's AI, JARVIS, spoke up.

"They appear to be crossing the Brooklyn Bridge."

Steve pointed to me and Spiderman.

"Get there and get people away from the area," he ordered.

I nodded and raced there. I stayed high over the buildings, and I zoomed in on the Bridge.

"How many?" I asked Cleo. A second passed before she replied.

"Not sure exactly," she said. "But there's some huge tank thing surrounded by a lot of little entities."

I nodded as I swooped lower. Spiderman was right behind me as I landed on the Bridge. People knocked past us as we advanced toward the bad guys.

"Peter, make a net across the second truss," I said, ushering more people along.

"What about the slow ones?" he asked as he swung off. I pumped my thrusters as if to say "I got it."

I looked up as the Avengers flew overhead, Tony in his suit and the rest in the Quinjet. I ushered people past me as I lifted off to join them. Peter was halfway done with the net and most people were thankfully past it.

"What's next?" I asked, hovering next to Stark.

"Take out as many of the little guys as possible," he instructed as he started for the tank thing.

The last person had just gotten through Peter's net as he finished up. I fired my repulsors as Spiderman landed beside me. I extended my hand knives as I ran into the fray. I cut a few heads off, stabbed a few, and set my repulsors on some more. I saw a web throw 6 of them into the river, and knew exactly where Peter was. A few 100 feet in front of me, I heard some of these robots screech.

Captain America had caught up to me.

I knocked out three of them with my repulsors. I heard a yelp somewhere to my right.

Crap, Peter!

I only realized how close we were to Spiderman's net as I flew to him. 

I sent out my mini missiles to try and draw them back. It worked, a little. I landed right behind Spiderman and ripped 2 of the robots off him. I stabbed at them, my back to Peter. I turned around to see deep gashes leaking down his suit. I chucked a grenade into the fray to buy me a few seconds.

"Hold still," I ordered, switched my repulsors to kryo.

"Trying!" he called back. I saw him wince as I froze his wounds.

"Now you won't bleed out," I said, switching my repulsors back.

"Thanks," I heard him say, as I flew up above the fight.

I saw Iron Man working on destroying the tank. Black Widow and Hawkeye were defending him as best they could. Steve and Peter were working on holding them back, but for every step forward it was three back. Hulk was just smashing and throwing whatever he could - it was useful because it taking out 10 at a time.

"Might I recommend your laser repulsors?" Cleo said.

"Go ahead," I said, swooping lower. 

I held out my hands and my repulsors managed to maintain their laser beams for 5 whole rows of enemies. It took out about 110 of them, and let Captain America and Spiderman get farther from the net. Hulk came up to the front lines, letting Spiderman leap up on top of the truss.

"You good?" I asked, throwing down a few more grenades.

"Sure," he replied. I went down and took out a few more lines with my lazer repulsors.

"Suit at 50%," Cleo informed.

"Crap," I muttered. I made a quick mental note to make the Fury II more efficient.

I turned around and started to fly back up when I saw Spiderman's eyes go wide.

I stopped only to feel pain shoot through my back. My helmet's screens blared warnings and I felt my thrusters cut out.


I started to fall, praying my suit would be enough but I was very doubtful. 

Just before I hit the ground I felt my body lurch back upwards as it was caught and pulled.

"What the hell?" I thought aloud. I was swung up and around the trusses.

"Come on Cleo," I urged, as I landed on top of the truss. 

I stumbled and fell right into Spiderman. I flipped my visor up to catch my breath easier. Peter held my shoulders for balance as I collected myself.

"Thanks," I said, flipping down my visor.

"Incoming," Cleo warned. I turned to see missiles coming at us. I fired my normal repulsors and they exploded 30 feet away.

"Thrusters back online," Cleo informed.

"Thanks girl," I replied. I turned back to Peter. "I've got a plan," I said, running the probability of success through my head. 71%. "How strong are your webs?"

"Really strong," Peter said, looking at his hands. 80%. "Why?"

"If you can wrap these guys into as many groups of 15 as possible, a grenade or a few repulsor can take them out at once," I explained. "It'd also make it easier for everyone."

"On it," Peter said, swinging away.

I sent down a few repulsor shots. My suit was definitely below 50% now so I had to be careful. After Peter wrapped up a few groups, Hulk joined me in knocking them out. Spiderman wrapped them up as fast as Hulk and I could destroy them.

In minutes, more than half of robots were either dead or sparking in the river.

"25% remaining," Cleo warned, and I lowered down to the ground beside Hawkeye.

"Not bad kid," he complimented.

Spiderman wrapped up the last few before landing on the other side of me. Hulk knocked out the last groups before all of the Avengers landed before the tank. We were all scratched, cut, and bruised. Hulk was panting like a dog behind us. (If dogs were green, angry, and radioactive.)

"What we got Cap?" Iron man asked.

"Hulk?" Steve said, turning to him and then nodding to the tank. "Smash."

A devilish grin spread across Hulk's face.

"Oh crap," I muttered, as Hulk shot up hundreds of feet into the air. 

When I saw super soldier Captain America back up, I did the same. I subtly moved myself in front Peter; my suit, although seriously damaged, could talk a lot more force than his, and I could tell he was in more pain than he was letting on.

Hulk demolished the tank in one smash, and that was it. 

I looked around at the fight scene. Robots littered everywhere. Iron Man and I took down Spiderman's net before flying home.

"Suit at 10%," Cleo said as I stepped into my workshop.

I got out and put it on the stand before taking out the battery. I put it on Cleo's charging pad, as I had programmed her orb to match battery's needs. (Efficiency!) The tiny charging light went on around the rim and I went back upstairs. 

I needed food.


this was really hard to write but I did try so I hope yall enjoyed that

peep the ending tho XD (always hungry)

thanks for sticking around (again) if ur still here

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