Chapter 29

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Just as that thought crossed my mind, the door to the lab opened. I whipped around to see Tony in a Black Sabath shirt and nice blue jeans. He definitely wasn't wearing that when he came back from my run..

"What the hell'd you do in 20 seconds?" I laughed. 

No reply.

But then I saw a leather binding under his arm

My journal!

I walked over and swiped it from underneath him.

"Hey!" Tony said, too slow to grab it back from me.

"Tony, it's mine," I said, flipping through the pages to make sure everything was here.

"No it's not," he replied. I flipped to the front, inside cover and flashed him the name on it.


"You sure about that?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh," Tony said, smiling from a corner of his mouth, "It's genius work."

I blushed at the compliment.

"Thanks," I replied, flipping through to my calculations for Clint's arrows.

"Cleo please scan this to the 'Birdy' file," I said, putting the open book on the table.

"Ok," she said, zipping over and running her scanner of the pages.

I turned them for her when her scanner hit the end of the page.

"Birdy?" Tony asked, taking a drink from his steaming mug.

"Tweet tweet?" I teased, not letting in to what I was doing.

It was meant to be a surprise, and with all honesty I didn't trust Tony with this. Not yet.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's currently 9:41," JARVIS said.

"Cleo do me a favor and tell Noah not to say anything to anyone but me and Peter," I asked her.

"Ok," she said.

"Noah?" Tony asked.

"A friend from school," I lied.

I didn't have friends from school, let alone ones I talked to over the summer. He raised a questioning eyebrow, but I dismissed it.

"Done," Cleo said, as she finished scanning the last page.

"Thanks girl," I said, closing the book.

I saw the "Birdy" file in the corner of the screen twitch as the files saved.

"What are you working on?" I asked, as Tony came behind the holograms.

He pushed my hologram towards me and I stopped it before it hit me.

"A new suit," he said, "Mark 49."

Wait where was my suit? I had no clue where it was. I hadn't seen it since I was knocked out at S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Cleo where's my suit?" I asked, slightly worried.

"It was at S.H.I.E.L.D. but I just called it over. Tony just reminded me too. But I stopped them from touching it," she said.

"You're a godsend," I thanked her.

"I know," Cleo replied.

I laughed.

"She's sassy," Tony remarked.

"Like creator like AI," I said, making a horrible spin-off of the usual saying: "Like (parent) like (child.)"

Tony smiled as I saw him pull up some designs.

I broke off bits of my hologram and blurred out the back so Tony couldn't see what I was doing.

After working for about an hour, and printing out some 3D models for the arrows, I decided it was time for a coffee break.

I saved, closed, and locked my projects before sending my holographic screen back to where it belonged beside the others.

"Thanks," Tony said as I walked over to machine filled portion of the lab.

"No problem," I said, hiding the models in a cabinet. "Don't let anyone in there ," I said to Cleo as I heard the lock click into place.

"I wouldn't even dream of it," she replied, her orb opening the door for me.

"Hey," Nat said as I sat next to her on the couch.

The news was playing on the TV.

Steve looked really enveloped in the story that was planning: Expansion to Captain America Exhibit at Smithsonian.

I looked at Steve who still hadn't blinked.

"-new expansion on the modern Captain America will be put into place by the end of this month. His work on missions, his friends, and his skills will all be included-."

Natasha shut the TV off earning a shout from Steve.


"Steve you shouldn't be watching that," she said calmly.

"Yes I should! It's me, Nat! My personal life, which is supposed to be private, is being put out there!" he shouted, standing up.

I couldn't tell if it was fear, anger, or betrayal in his eyes, but I didn't like it. It wasn't supposed to be there.

We all jumped as my suit came to a hard thud on the balcony outside.

"Shit!" Steve exclaimed.

"Language," Nat warned, earning a light glare from Steve.

It walked inside, up the stairs, and to the labs.

I was unfazed by it, mostly because I knew it was coming.

"Steve shouldn't you talk to Fury about that?" I asked him, knowing this was a dangerous invasion of privacy.

"Yeah but what if he's the one who leaked the information," Steve said.

"Steve..." I replied, trying to get him to rethink what he just said.

Fury works for the government. This would put him at risk as well, and he was no blind man to risk. Despite his one eye. 

"Fine I'll talk to him," he subsided.

"Good," I said, giving him a gentle look.

"I'm gonna go call him now," Steve said, taking out his phone and walking onto the balcony.

"He worries me sometimes," Natasha said after a moment of silence.

"Hmm?" I hummed, not hearing her entirely.

"He keeps everything inside, and it hurts him. He went through a war and I've heard him scream at night, yelling for it to stop. But he won't talk about it. To me or anyone," she sighed. She stood up and went to the kitchen.

I followed her.

"Maybe he's just a reserved person?" I suggested, just trying to make it easier.

"Maybe," Nat said. 


who leaked that info? isn't SHIELD the most secret government organization???

guess you'll have to keep reading....

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