Chapter 27

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We sat mostly in silence on the ride back.

My adrenaline levels had dropped, leaving me in a calm state of boredom.

At some point during the ride I had drifted over to the computers.

Around 8:30 there was a ding: an email from Bruce. It was a file above a message that told me what is was.

Finally - the tech comparison.

I sent a quick email back, thanking him.

Since I was currently in the Quinjet I couldn't make anything, but I could work on designing Clint's arrows.

I tilted the holograms and computers away from the main part of the Quinjet and set to work.

I had Cleo pull up the designs of his current arrows, and set to work.

I made them more aerodynamic, and a lot lighter for more range. I also made the bow a little lighter, and added more pullback strength to the string. The bow now also came with the ability to change into an electrically charged staff with a click of a button.

I had seen him make it into a staff before, but I didn't know if it was electric.

I was just about to start working on the chemical formulas for the new arrows when I felt us slow down.

I rapidly created a new folder called "Birdy" as Cleo saved all my files.

With a few quick swipes I moved everything into the folder, just as Clint and Natasha walked out of the cockpit.

It was 10:30 now, and I really needed food. I hadn't eaten lunch because I was, busy, with Peter. Coffee sounded good too.

If Tony wasn't in the lab, I planned on working on Clint's arrows.

Maybe I could use Bruce's lab.

"I'm gonna go to bed," Clint said, "Goodnight guys."

"I might join you in that," Nat said.

I raised her a questioning eyebrow. Join him in "sleeping," or sleeping?

She dropped her face and shook her head.

I laughed as they walked down the hallway to their rooms.

Bruce was already asleep at this late hour, as I started my walk to the kitchen.

I heard a few voices and I slowed my walking to a crawl. I was careful not to make a sound as I rounded the corner into the kitchen.

"Oh my God!" I yelled as I saw what was making the sounds.

Tony and Steve were doing it on the kitchen counter!

Tony was now a bright shade of red, but Steve had positioned himself so he was shielding Tony.

"Can I help you?" Steve asked cooly, but I could tell he was blushing a little by the red in his ears.

"I-I'm good," I stuttered, backing out of the room.

I could make some coffee in the lab.

"Nice ass though, Captain," I called back from the living room.

I heard Tony laugh as I climbed the stairs to the lab. I made a quick pot of coffee and poured it into the largest mug I could find. I wasn't going to sleep after what I just saw.

That image was scarred into my mind, and I had to shake my head constantly to get it out.

"Cleo did that really just happen?" I asked her.

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