Chapter 11

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Nat muttered something in Russian before walking away. I could sense that she was hiding a smile. I held back a yelp of triumph and instead went to the rope climb.

I turned back for a moment to see that Steve had one hand through Tony's hair, and the other around his wait.

I didn't even hide my smile as I wrapped the rope around my ankle and started to climb: about 13 seconds to the top.

A little slow, but not bad. I climbed back down and met the two spies by the elevator.

Tony and Steve hadn't moved, but Tony's shirt had - across the ring. His arc reactor light was hidden against Steve.

The elevator opened, and we got in.

"You set that up, didn't you," Barton said.

I beamed proudly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I lied.

"Damn you're good!" he said. "I've been trying for ages!"

I laughed as I stepped out into my living room. The others didn't follow. I looked back questioningly. Clint held the doors open.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s got us going back to Budapest. Tell Tony we'll back back in a few days," he explained.

"Ok," I said, "Be safe!"

They smiled and the doors closed.

I was alone. But for no more than a brief second because Cleo came zooming over.

"Your suits charged!" she informed. Finally!

"Wanna go install yourself and run diagnostics?" I said.

It was more of an order than a question but Cleo nodded and floated alongside me downstairs. She extended a cable into my Fury II and I saw her yellow light pulse.

Her generally quiet humming loudened for a second and then she disconnected.

"It's good!" she approved.

"Excellent," I said, taking it out.

I synced my necklace to it, and double tapped it.

The suit locked in around me, and I got a chill. It smelt like a new car in there!

The nitinol was so much lighter and more flexible, so I had Tony to thank for that. The design was updated but I looked down only to realize that I needed to paint it.

Maybe some dark teal, black, and silver?

"Faith, the new couple is coming up," Cleo told me. I knew she had been peeking through the cameras, again. Of course she knew about the gym.

"Perfect," I grinned, walking into my elevator. I flipped on my helmet just as the doors opened.

"Wow, nice work Faith," Tony complimented. My jaw dropped inside my suit.

"You-you just used my name!" I said. He laughed.

"Your suit looks good," Steve said.

As a guy from the 1940s I couldn't really expect him to appreciate technology like Tony and I did.

"Thanks," I replied, "But it needs a new paint job."

"That can wait," Tony said. "Wanna take it for a fly? Maybe go sign some adoption papers?"

"Now?!" I asked.

"Why not?" Tony said.

"Well I actually need to borrow Faith for a second," Rogers said, breaking away from Tony's side.

"Ok," Tony said. "I'll be upstairs in my kitchen."

Steve led me to the balcony, and I left by suit by the door.

"You planned that, didn't you?" he said. I smiled, playing stupid.

"Planned that? I have no idea what you're talking-," I mocked.

"Thank you," Steve cut me off, and I beamed.

"Hey, at least you're happy now. Right?" I checked.

"Hell yeah!" Steve said.

"Language!" I exclaimed, reversing our roles. Steve laughed.

"Now go have fun with Tony," Rogers said, waving me away.

"No that's your job," I teased, leaving a flustered Captain on the balcony. I grabbed my suit and left Steve on the balcony below me. My suit flew with so much more grace and ease, and it landed like a feather on Tony's balcony. I walked in, leaving my suit by the door.

"Ready to go?" Tony asked, calling up his own suit.

"Whenever you are," I said.

We climbed into our suits, stepping onto the balcony, and blasting off. My helmet beeped as our comm systems linked up.

"Loop through Central Park and then head to 58th and 58th," Tony said.

"58th and 58th?" I asked as we swooped between buildings.

"Adoption agency," he clarified.

"Oh right," I said, lowering into Central Park.

This suit was much faster than the old one, I lowered the power to my thrusters as we crossed over the Reservoir.

"Have JARVIS and Cleo met?" Tony asked, coming up next to me.

"I don't think-" I started.

"We have," Cleo interrupted.

"We met on the first day when Cleo logged into our mainframe and satellite," JARVIS said to Tony.

"Come on JARVIS," Tony said, "I programmed you better than that."

"She's not an enemy program, sir," he replied.

"Fair enough," Tony subsided.

I laugh for a second before deciding to test my waterproof abilities, and zooming ahead to The Lake.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked, trying to catch me.

"Lake," I said, lowering speed and height.

I got right about the water and reached out with both my hands. I wobbled for a second before stabilizing. My suit was 100% fine, and being so close to the water gave me such a rush.

I decided to fill the rush and take a dare. I took a sharp turn upwards, almost knocking into Tony. I got higher than the Stark Tower, while running the calculations about my velocity if I was to fall... Or if I cut my thrusters.

Even though I did it on purpose, my stomach dropped and a bit of air pushed out from my lungs. I started my fall, flipping around as I picked up speed. I streamlined myself about 10 feet above Tony's head, and kicked on my repulsors full blast.

My muscles tensed as I changed direction so fast, but they relaxed as my speed lowered and I came to hover next to Tony.

"Your gonna give me a heart attack," he said.

"Yup," I laughed. My rush had lowered down to a slight tingle in my extremities.

"Let's go," he said, waving for me to follow as he took off.


Stonys here bitches take it or leave it :)

Now its really time for the adoption though

(hope you guys caught the infinity war easter egg in there!)

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