Chapter 28

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It was beautiful out as I ran down to the beach.

I left my shoes under a bush by the entrance and dug my toes into the sand. It was that morning sand that's warm on top but cool and soft underneath.

As I ran down to the water line, feeling the sand kick up at my heels I realized had never gone beach running.

But I was told my mom loved to do it.

I got my runner figure from my mom, and I got my curves from my aunt (even though we weren't related by blood) I don't wanna sound cocky, but I was confident in my body! I knew what I could and couldn't wear, and I knew that sometimes my figure attracted some guys' attention.

But I also knew that it could be used as a weapon on missions, or draw weapons from eager pedophiles.

Nothing like that had happened to me, but I had seen the stories on the news.

I focused on my music and I continued down the coastline.

I ran right where the water had just been for the perfect running ground. It was soft enough that my feet could get a grip on the sand, but hard enough that I didn't sink down.

My calves burned from the friction with the sand kicking up, but I didn't care.

I was too free out here to care about anything but the wind on my face and music in my ears. I turned up my music as I realized I was out of breath. I looked back behind me and slowed to a walk.

I had maybe covered 2 miles, as the Stark Mansion looked a hell of a lot smaller.

I figured it was time to head back, so after watching the horizon for a few minutes, I started back up.

I ran non-stop, ignoring the pains in my side, until I reached my sneakers. I shook the sand off my feet and walked back up to the mansion.

"Where were you?" Tony yelled as I walked back into the living room.

His sudden aggression caused me to jump a little. He looked like he had been pacing in front of the TV.

"I went for a run," I said.

"Faith, I've been worried sick! No one saw you leave!" Tony said, still worked up.

"Well I'm fine!" I said, holding my hands up in defense.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Steve was watching us from the chair, and Nat was minding her own business on the couch. She was scrolling through something on her phone.

"Just don't do it again, or at least tell us," Tony muttered.

"I will," I said, relaxing as I felt the tension in the room dissipate.

"You gave all of us a bit of a heart attack," Steve said as Tony went into the kitchen.

"Sorry," I said, scratching the back of my head.

"It's ok. I wasn't worried. You're capable of taking care of yourself," Natasha reassured.

"Thanks," I laughed, plopping down onto the couch next to her.

"You smell like the ocean though," she said, wrinkling her nose.

"How far did you run?" Steve asked.

"I think about 2 miles away and 2 miles back," I estimated.

"I need to find a running partner who can sprint for like 30 miles," Steve groaned, throwing his head back.

"Must be hard being the perfect super soldier," I teased, laughing under my breath.

Steve shot me a glare, but I saw a hint of a smile in his eyes. Holy crap! A light bulb went off in my head as I got an idea for Steve.

Forget new phone, I'll make him a robot dog! I'd program a dog AI, and then build the perfect dog for him!

Oh fuck yeah this was gonna be so cool.

"Be right back," I said, struggling to contain my excitement as I went up to the labs.

"Bruce!" I shouted, bursting into his lab.

He jumped and I heard a little yelp escape him.

"Jesus Faith," Bruce said, placing a hand on his chest, "You almost made the other guy come out."

"Shit. Sorry," I apologized. I forgot about the high stress to Hulk thing.

It was hard to believe a green, radioactive, destroying machine was living inside this small, quiet, timid man. Ironic much?

"What's up?" he asked.

"I have an idea!" I said, unable to control my excitement.

"Another one?" Bruce chuckled.

"A new one," I said, "So Steve seems to be able to work his phone just fine. I saw him playing Tetris today. But he needs a new running partner..."

"You wanna create a new superhuman?" Bruce asked, his eyes widening.

"Oh hell no. One is enough," I said, "A super dog on the other hand..."

"Faith that's genius!" Bruce said.

I could see the scientist light up inside him as I brought the idea to the table. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks," I replied.

"So when do we start?" Banner asked.

"Well since this will be one of the biggest projects, and I've already started on the ideas for Clint's arrows, I wanna get the other projects out of the way," I said.

"Ok. Fair enough," he said.

"What are you working on?" I asked, looking over at his holograms.

"Trying to solve supersymmetry," Banner said.

I didn't understand any of what I was seeing. Between his slurred handwriting, and the equations on the board I'd never felt more stupid.

"Damn," I said, blinking the confusion out of my eyes.

I was getting a headache.

Bruce laughed lightly.

"I'm gonna go downstairs, see what I can do for Clint's arrows," I said, waving as I left.

"Ok," I heard Bruce say as I went to the main lab.

I plugged in my code, and a few seconds after the door closed, it opened back up for Cleo.

"Cleo, pull up my notes for Clint," I said.

"Faith, most of them are in your journal," she said.

"Shit," I grumbled.

I really didn't want to go back downstairs. 


we love and overprotective dad!tonystark

also el robo dog para steve rogers = good running partner


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