Chapter 41

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Rose POV

I shushed the twins again as they giggled. I stared at my sister as she sat there, dumbstruck staring at her mate.

I knew there was something off about her when we met. I just didn't know what it was until today, when I caught Adrian staring at her from behind a bush.

The look in his eyes instantly told me they were mates so I walked up and introduced myself.

"Hi." I said softly, nervously.

He looked at me and nodded slightly before going back to stare at my sister.

"Is there something you need?"He asked when he realized I wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

"No, not really. But why are you watching my sister?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

His head snapped to me with wide eyes.

"I was just uh..." He trailed off nervously.

"I'm Rose." I said as I stuck my hand out.

He shook it, studying me up and down before standing from his crouched position.

"I'm Adrian." He said.

"My sisters mate?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"Yeah." He said as he looked back at her.

She was skipping around the store humming as she followed the twins, a distant yet sad look in her eyes.

"She's been looking for you." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked, staring at me in confusion.

"She's been looking for a mate for a while. Though I'm just realizing that."

"Are those her kids?" He asked sadly.

"Nope. They're mine." I said, smiling at the thought of the twins.

He let out a relieved breath.

"Is she seeing anyone?" He asked nervously, shifting on his feet slightly.

"You have to ask her." I said as I walked past him and into the store.

And now we were here. I was crouched down with the twins standing right besides me as I stared at Adrian and Pixie.

Pixie finally said something, stuttering nervously with wide eyes as she introduced herself.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Adrian's head snapped to me and he narrowed his eyes playfully, making Pixie look my way.

I stood up quickly, turning to take off down the hall with the twins just as I heard Pixie start yelling at me, making me chuckle again.

I turned a corner, running straight into Josh. I stepped back, rubbing my now sore nose.

I smiled up at him as he smiled at me, that same guilty and sad look on his face from when he gripped my face hard earlier.

I gripped his face between my hands, feeling bad.

"You didnt hurt me." I said as I stared into his eyes.

"Yes I did." He said softly, stepping away from me.

I resisted the urge to recoil in hurt when his gaze suddenly hardened as he turned away from me, sending a cold look over his shoulder at me before shoving his hands in his pockets and swiftly walking away from me.

I whimpered when the twins ran after him, feeling empty inside.

I walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, willing the tears not to fall.

I sat there for nearly fifteen minutes when I heard it.

The sound of a gun being loaded.

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